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Everything posted by Cherub

  1. Yes and you are... Ha ha ha you are so funny... Btw I was not trying to be funny. People some times make fun of me so I am not trying to be funny because I dont want anyone to laugh with what I say...
  2. Jeeez sense of humor is dead in you...
  3. I think you didnt know what is avatar...
  4. Yeap my avatar. The picture under the "Send Money to Cherub" thing...
  5. I was warned but the one who warned me was not a moderator.
  6. I did reselect it many times. Always the same error. BTW what do you say about my avatar? I spoke English in a Greek topic just like many others did and they picked me to be banned.
  7. I did nothing wrong. It just asks me if I'm a human and I select "yes" and then it says that I must confirm I am a human. Is this my fault? I tried to register using another browser and proxy but the same error.
  8. lol of course not. but still you cant tell me I cant register because you couldnt find my mistake so it was / is not my fault.
  9. I did nothing wrong. I still cant register. But do you remember... I showed screenshot and I didnt see you suggesting something or telling me I did something wrong.
  10. Never asked to be a moderator neither did I claim I have the knowledge required... Pff... Cant find a good Mankind picture :P
  11. Anyway I demand an answer! Why was I banned? I want an answer right nuw...
  12. lol arent you a moderator? i really love demotes!!!
  13. Satyricon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbQEIkeZsh4
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHd4nMeCLJI THIS IS METAL!!! (the band is Greek btw)
  15. Just see the other picture lol. i set it to "yes" and this error appears.
  16. You think you are funny? Guess what... You are not. You just seem more fool than you already are...
  17. And I am a bot? Ha ha ha you are so funny you amuse me...
  18. You want a proof? Here is a proof... I want to register a new account and I cant: Then I click on "I Agree" and then "Register" and this error appears:
  19. Yes ha ha really funny you hypocrites...
  20. lol I am not a liar. I cannot register. I click on the "Yes" answer in the question "Are you a human?" and it says that I must confirm that I am a human in order to register.
  21. I did read my first post:
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