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Everything posted by Nyx~

  1. Actualy he is right about everything. How ever i didnt liked Vim's servers due of tooooooo much attention to a big "kewl" clans. Before blame someone cause server failed in some way, try to make something better.
  2. About 50 at nights, and 120-150 at evening.
  3. You are probably this one who crying yesterday for his 3 intact sets that he farmed before wipe, right? Yeah server not best, we never claimed it as "best kewl PVP server". We working daily, doing our best, same time as you you guys keep crying for silly things. Did you found at least one serious bug? All skills work, olympiad work as well. We also opened for a discussion, we are looking for a good ideas/suggestions. Not here ofc, but at our forum. Regards.
  4. You also forgot for hiden doante list with RB jewelry and Full clan skills, for special players. Like it was before pyro went army ^^
  5. Realy hard farm for sure, sorry but yeah server not like you log and got all items max enchanted. Lot of bots? Well dunno what you mean by this..walkers? or dual boxes? Walker wont work and no point to bot here. Dual boxes just cat buffers which are just few.
  6. yesterday was max 86 if im not wrong, currently 90+
  7. Im not gonna teach you, just my opinion about your lame post. End of discussion.
  8. 100% for player that got no clue about how to set buff and how to obtain rb jwls. How ever mirage will be nerfed after restart.
  9. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LD0RB3HO http://www.4shared.com/file/z-AekrVl/borderline_patch.html http://rapidshare.com/files/440919802/borderline_patch.7z
  10. Is that hard to read, yeah there 3 links for patch.
  11. Honestly, what you trying to balance just by deleting some augments? Delete em at all and it will be some kind of C4 server. Set retail like augmentation system, means only 1 augment, no staking augmentations, add just some reuse for nuke augmentations and it will be balanced enough. Archer with duel might pwn all? Then what if an WindRider get evasion? Like someone said already, making balance by deleting things that you think is not balanced is way to make it even more unbalanced. Since we talk about Interlude, NCsoft made it balanced enough, but how ever many things have to be edited if you make high rate server with MP pots and so on. Btw for ppl who got no clue, retail like Agility 10 lvl increase evasion by 4 or 5 evasion only, and you want to decrease it to 2-3 evasion or maybe +1 evasion ? :)
  12. We had some testing enchant rate, +12 weapons/armors and of course RB jwls wont appears that fast as you maybe think. Also we think lower a bit more enchant rate... And by the way +12 items wont be in donate list for sure, same as augmentation skills. Well how ever when we finaly get server machine access, gonna open beta testing for 1-3 days, so we can balance everything with players help and go live fully ready.
  13. Sorry but instead of reply normal way you show how low you are and start spam your own topic. Ps: Is so bad you cant delete my reply here right? same as you did at your forum. You simple cant speak normal with players in game and at forum. No wonder at your new server things will be same. GL. I was dying, dont realy care about it. For guy which joined for 3 days on this server we wasnt so bad. You can be proud you were killing new player(bishop) when you had full RB jwls set which you prolly got from admin thats why now you going to do everything to protect his ass. /care on what you reply.
  14. I had same nick at your server, dont remember it? Maybe because i didnt cry for anything? But i saw how some polish kids cryed well so you change things for them. Im talking about Hades same as you did, so wtf are you talking about ? As i said "good luck with server". You got any problem? Hi polish kid. You not looks like smart person by make such reply realy.
  15. Did i flame you or something? But ok. Long time ago? oh so two week is realy long time ago. My looses in olympiad, have nothing to do with my post. I talk at all and if you cant stand truth better shut your mouth. Being an tard is normal for you it seems.
  16. On hades was alot of "balance", specialy olympiad with only PP/Glad which were doing realy "balanced dmg" and cause mana burn has 20 seconds reuse even with full buff ^^ How ever good luck with server.
  17. Ahh i though there will be some AllInOne buffers donate, like most middle rate server got. Anyway server has great features, and also is Hellbound which is realy rare :) Once again Good luck with server.
  18. just check your post, and correct link ^^
  19. Ahh hellbound, would like to join, but doubt if my mates will accept it...But maybe later when server have nice online :) Good luck with server mate. hellbound server is kinda rare nowdays... ps: fix your link www.l2gw.com
  20. Not sure abotu donations yet, lets hope it wil be balanced this time. About feed well is not allowed, so it wont be same worst as at DeathAvenue. And about Epics in gmshop, as far i know they wont be in GMshop...
  21. ~8 months as Mystic Muse then reroll on Titan and was hero about 10-11 months, after that 1 month as Elemental Summoner after that i leave.Dont remember actualy real count it was long time ago on x25 retail like server l2max if someone remember this server. 1 time Titan hero on last Dysmay after that we leave. Any x100 or more servers not worth to remind, heroes here is easy if server not all about donate. Last my server L2DeathAvenue hero there with Adventurer for 4 month till server was closed.
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