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Everything posted by Sick

  1. well i logged in i did my char from 85 82 lvl i went to lvl up zone i made him 83 i restarted and when i logged in i was 83 lvl and i was there at the same place...wtf i'm confused now my friend was 85 and when he logged in after restart he was 1 lvl at orc village and i don't have now the problem..what's goin on with this pack O.o when i spawn npc and i recall it to another place and i restart,it is there when i recalled it and it is in the place before recall... -_-
  2. lol man of course i know something about java -_- i already compiled my server and used lot java codes..but i never had rollback to all my servers so didn't saw this problem till now..so that's why i'm asking about fix for rollback
  3. so what can i do to fix rollbacks?
  4. to problima m einai to rollback :/
  5. by using //server_shutdown? @echo off title Game Server Console :start echo Starting L2J Game Server. echo. REM ------------------------------------- REM Default parameters for a basic server. java -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.l2jserver.util.L2LogManager -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -cp ./../libs/*;l2jserver.jar com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameServer REM REM If you have a big server and lots of memory, you could experiment for example with REM java -server -Xmx1536m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts REM ------------------------------------- if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error goto end :restart echo. echo Admin Restart ... echo. goto start :error echo. echo Server terminated abnormaly echo. :end echo. echo server terminated echo. pause
  6. Hi guys I have freya server and i have rollback problem..i'm sure about it cause my friend logged in my server and i recalled him i gave him lvl and i restarted my server..then when my friend logged in he was lvl 1 in orc village pls help me! :( :o
  7. Παίδες γεια σας Έχω ένα πρόβλημα στον freya server μου..είναι το γνωστό rollback..είναι σίγουρα αυτό γιατί μπήκε ενας φίλος μου τον έκανα 85 λεβελ και όταν έκανα restart τον server τον πήγε πίσω στο orc village λεβελ 1..Κάποιος να με βοηθήσει πλιζ :(
  8. Geia sas paidia! Exw ftia3ei enan freya server compiled kai exw perasei kapoia npc..as min polulogw molis kanw spawn ena npc kapou kai meta to kanw recall ekei p to 8elw kanonika i to kanw spawn kai meta delete otan kanw restart ton server kai 3analoggarw vlepw to npc ekei p to exw kanonika kai ekei p to eixa prin to recall i prin to delete..mipws borei na help kapoios?
  9. It's not so hard i'm greek and i can understand what the site says.I was playing there a couple of months ago,everything was fine and the chronicle was god i'm sure about that
  10. http://la2millenium.ru/index.php perfect for tests
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