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About skrred

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  1. how do i make a sql file with this for L2JServer ?
  2. ah, it explains a lot, because in the l2jfree website only talks up to gracia final . . . well i hope that's all i need to know ;D about some bugs i found in L2JServer that now i'm testing, there is a bug with the Grand Bosses, they don't attack me . . . could you help me please? [this is really embarassing =$]
  3. well . . . i knew about l2j server and l2jfree, now i'm testing a pack l2jserver but some friends, really suggested me to use L2JFREE. . . it will sound so stupid but i can't find the last pack of l2jfree for epilogue = /
  4. well . . . i know ALWAYS a server needs FULL WORK, but i was talking about MOST COMPLETE L2J server pack to use, i worked in a past project with a friend, but now we though make a community, he stayes in interlude and i go to epilogue, but i know a little bit more about L2J server packs. Well . . . i need you recommend a L2J server pack for epilogue, like JLive, JInifiny. . . well . . .i hope you can help me (:
  5. =S!! . . . you mean i gotta work with L2OFF ? and if i do it, it is really more difficult to manage right?
  6. Good day everyone (: well . . . today i come looking for help about what server pack to use for a FULL PVP SERVER EPILOGUE, here in the forum i found a lot of packs, but i am not sure about what is better . . . well . . . i hope you can help me giving me names of the pack you recommend since now, i thank you all who read this topic (:
  7. great . . . this is what i was looking for (: well . . . let's test (:
  8. this is the best webpage i ever saw 8O well . . . until now xD! thx bro (:
  9. great share (: does it work with "MySql full version"?
  10. this is THE GUIDE . . . well for me that i am new (:
  11. i hate kamaels . . . they look so good . . . at least the female 8O!
  12. monastery of silence and forge of gods
  13. i like all the chronicles . . . well INTERLUDE RULEZ but i always take a look of last retail versions. . . i hope FREYA fix some bugs (:
  14. hi everybody i am new from peru (: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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