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Everything posted by iBuG

  1. I prefer epilogue, dunno im gonna check freya
  2. Goddies3@hotmail.com sisi
  3. Sorry for off topic , check your forum :) ( Server forum )
  4. I think it isnt the best place to talk about server informations.
  5. Im used it 1,5 year ago on l2inc :P And im trying it everywhere , l2inc,l2dubai,l2w00t there you cant bug this :)
  6. I wont miss it too then :)
  7. Yeah , looks like server is a little fail
  8. I want to give the reward , but how if i cant send adenas LOL
  9. You are Welcome on MxC :)
  10. Bump , i rly need it
  11. Works fine i have tested it some minutes ago :P
  12. lul , its looks so simple but oki doki
  13. Up , premium account on official server , nothing like for 10 games or so , full account.
  14. Hello MxC , i have domain + hosting for www.lsclan.net If do you have any lineage 2 clan which begins with the letter L and ends with S , you can have "Clan Forum " on the domain. + you will get Leader Rank with limited admin access ( no FTP , no MySQL , no DB , no full admin center ) + you will get Ranks for your clanmates + you will get Ranks for your Alliance. And you can pm me anytime with what you need to add (from FTP , or in the admin panel) i will do it. Everything is for free , just the activity needed. Just pm me if you are interesting.
  15. unfair , anyway so how can i pay you? Or what do you want for it?
  16. You are welcome.
  17. Why? So how can i pay in Adenas to players?
  18. w8 a bit , atm im trying to get any informations about how to connect there.
  19. Dear MxC . Im wanted to ask you if there are any ppls who know making signatures for adenas ofc. Well , i need help with these things. If any1 can make logo,avatar,signature i will be happy for it. So about the logo you can see the logo here : http://i27.servimg.com/u/f27/14/37/84/43/brlogo10.gif Avatar? Any normal size, which is used commonly , and you should write there " LostSouls" . In the signature should be any char or smth like this from l2 and write there LostSouls Clan. The signature should be the same style as the avatar. Size of the signature can be which is used commonly. Im offering 1500 Adenas Thanks to your try.
  20. I hope the your teammates wont be supported by ya.
  21. But the guy which i stabed didnt use artributes in his armor. But mages hitting dagger hard too . I lost fight vs good mage. So it isnt balance problem but it is knowledge problem :)
  22. Then i think you need change host file , or if you can wait i will try to find smth like "how to connect" and translate it for you.
  23. http://simplemachines.org - official SMF web and www.jpr62.com/theme - Cripzone (Crip) his own forum there you can talk together. I hope thats will help you
  24. http://download.simplemachines.org/index.php - download SMF 1.1.11 - Full instal .zip - then unzip the folder and upload it with ftp , after that install it with your MySQL informations. Try it , if you will have problems pm me.
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