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Hellish  last won the day on March 23

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  1. Learn English so we can understand what the fuck you want to say. And by the way, my part is just the design part, no admin shit, and of course, the messenger.
  2. What drama, there is no drama mate
  3. Exactly, the player base is still here, the problem is the lack of any good server. If you don't know who scammed you, then you're even more pathetic than I thought. Obviously, you can see the country flag in my profile, and it's not a fucking Egypt, you dumb fuck. Mad? Not mad, I’m just politely inviting you to fuck off.
  4. Take your bullshit somewhere else. Nobody who ever got scammed walks around asking, "Are you the one who scammed me?" If you got scammed, you already know who did it. Now, fuck off. Thanks for your input - you make some valid points, but we’re not here to repeat past mistakes. We know L2 is old, but it still has that magic, and the fact that you replied here shows that L2 is still in our hearts. Sure, you can create new games with amazing graphics and insane features - these days, AI can even make a game for you. But L2 has something special, something we all miss. The real problem is that there isn’t a single server truly worth playing on – and that’s why we’ve decided to create our own. If it works out, there will finally be a place to play. If not – well, no one will be crying over it. Wow, a post from 2022 - nice digging, Mr. Archaeologist. You almost got my cry. Anyway, all I did there was just copy/paste the text my friends asked me to. I appreciate the attempt to stir up drama, but it turned out as usual - with a dick in your hand. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time.
  5. Dead do speak indeed. A "flex" you say? Come on.. on a dead forum? A flex? Mate are you alright? And what money? A few euros from ads? Naah, Maxtor is just bussy sucking dicks for a rent. Now, about your concerns. You’re right, we all know every L2 server these days is trash. That’s why we’re here. We’ve got the files, we’ve got the devs and we’ve got the balls to do something about it. No recycled garbage, no cash-grab bullshit - just servers built the way they should be. We all love L2, the real L2. As I mentioned earlier, the website for the entire project will be made available soon. Things like websites and social media have a low priority - all the focus is on the core work: files, quests, balance, and every possible modification that could be implemented if that’s what the players want. Expect a shitload of polls about every damn thing. As soon as the website is live, we’ll announce player recruitment for closed testing. For now, I can give you a little sneak peek: One of the servers currently in development will run on the Interlude chronicle, with low rates between 1-25 (exact rates depends on player's choice) and a 1+1 stack subclass system featuring strict passive restrictions and overall balance. Server doesn’t need good files? Well, mate, with that attitude, it’s no wonder your “server” sucks dicks. “Good” files, aka “precompiled Java garbage,” might be fine for your trash-tier setups, but we actually care about our files. Security, stability, performance, balance - that’s what we’re focused on. Maybe one day, you’ll stumble across one of those principles and realize why you’ve been stuck running clown servers all this time.
  6. Hello everyone, it’s been a hell of a long time since my last post here. The graveyard keeps growing. You’re probably wondering, “What’s this all about?” Let me tell you: the best Lineage 2 server you’ve ever played on. Maxthor, dicksucker of the century - are you listening? How about you answer your fucking messages? Celestine, it’s been a while - you’ve got my messages hours ago. Now, since I’m the only one from the old crew who still has an account on this dead-ass forum, let me tell you what’s going on. We’ve got the resources, the infrastructure, and everything else needed to create the ultimate Lineage 2 servers – better than anything you’ve ever seen. Why? Because we’re fucking bored. There’s not a single L2 server out there worth mentioning. All of them are total disasters run by clowns who think they can make a quick money with premium accounts and donation fests. Well, here’s a message for you: you’re fucked. We’re back. You’re probably asking, “Back? Who? Why? What’s the point?” Here’s the answer: it’s none of your fucking business who. All you need to know is that we’ve got the money, the infrastructure, and the experience – and we don’t give a fuck about profits, we’re doing it for ourselves and for players like us. We’re about to create Lineage 2 servers like no one has ever fucking seen before. The work has already been in progress for over a year. We’re building a network of servers – whatever style you can imagine: low rate, high rate, stack sub – you name it. Got a crazy idea for a server? Now’s your time to speak up. Your ideas – our execution. We’ve got the files, we’ve got the servers, and soon we’ll share the website where you can vote in polls and help shape the servers of your dreams. And of course, all the hate drama from all of you who made that pathetic garbage servers is very appreciated.
  7. This section is officialy dead, sadly, not a single reply. Goodbye.
  8. Due to the boredom and curiosity, let's make an SOTW (signature of the week) event, yeah why not. The main theme - Lineage 2 Size - max 500x200 (WxH) Style - transparent background Any eager participants? Lets see if this section is really dead, (previous topic about that was dramaticaly closed and some childrens shitted themselves) The winner will get a pack of a sick brush collection, if you know me - you know it's a big deal. I was making gfx shit for the MxC community long time ago, and it was a high quality shit. Unfortunate many of the old users and my old friends left this forum (not a surprise tbh), but nvm, let's try to ressurect this section. Event will start Monday next week, Sunday the judgement day, simple. Any participants?
  9. I really wish I could meet you in real life, just to see your scared childish face beign slapped like a little bitch. A couple of times just for fun. And, ofc a picture of the bitchslap festival. Precious.
  10. Hey, L2 something, leave it. Yes I know it is hard but someday you will grow up.. and you will see how fucking stupid you were.
  11. Yeah, respect is something that you have to earn. You can't understand it. And, guess what, I was here long time before you even knew what alphabet is. So, next time if you want to say something, just simply shut the fuck up BITCH.
  12. Yeah, great judgement, I was born in Birmingham, sure english is not my primary language, retard festival starts in three, two, one. If you don't know what I just said, it is a God damn time to start to read with understanding. Not a big deal bitch. Deal with it.
  13. Come on, I remember you from long time ago, don't show up here wich such a bullshit replies... have some respect. What is the point of as you said "trolling" this forum? Dude, seriously? Primary school is going badly for you? Are your classmates bullyin you?
  14. You kiddin right? So if I want to receive an answer, I have to join some discord? just WOW
  15. Replied like 2 weeks ago but nevermind, no response whats so ever, looks like this forum is at it's last moments of life.
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