Dead do speak indeed. A "flex" you say? Come on.. on a dead forum? A flex? Mate are you alright? And what money? A few euros from ads? Naah, Maxtor is just bussy sucking dicks for a rent.
Now, about your concerns. You’re right, we all know every L2 server these days is trash. That’s why we’re here. We’ve got the files, we’ve got the devs and we’ve got the balls to do something about it. No recycled garbage, no cash-grab bullshit - just servers built the way they should be. We all love L2, the real L2.
As I mentioned earlier, the website for the entire project will be made available soon. Things like websites and social media have a low priority - all the focus is on the core work: files, quests, balance, and every possible modification that could be implemented if that’s what the players want. Expect a shitload of polls about every damn thing.
As soon as the website is live, we’ll announce player recruitment for closed testing. For now, I can give you a little sneak peek: One of the servers currently in development will run on the Interlude chronicle, with low rates between 1-25 (exact rates depends on player's choice) and a 1+1 stack subclass system featuring strict passive restrictions and overall balance.
Server doesn’t need good files? Well, mate, with that attitude, it’s no wonder your “server” sucks dicks.
“Good” files, aka “precompiled Java garbage,” might be fine for your trash-tier setups, but we actually care about our files. Security, stability, performance, balance - that’s what we’re focused on. Maybe one day, you’ll stumble across one of those principles and realize why you’ve been stuck running clown servers all this time.