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  1. This section is officialy dead, sadly, not a single reply. Goodbye.
  2. Due to the boredom and curiosity, let's make an SOTW (signature of the week) event, yeah why not. The main theme - Lineage 2 Size - max 500x200 (WxH) Style - transparent background Any eager participants? Lets see if this section is really dead, (previous topic about that was dramaticaly closed and some childrens shitted themselves) The winner will get a pack of a sick brush collection, if you know me - you know it's a big deal. I was making gfx shit for the MxC community long time ago, and it was a high quality shit. Unfortunate many of the old users and my old friends left this forum (not a surprise tbh), but nvm, let's try to ressurect this section. Event will start Monday next week, Sunday the judgement day, simple. Any participants?
  3. I really wish I could meet you in real life, just to see your scared childish face beign slapped like a little bitch. A couple of times just for fun. And, ofc a picture of the bitchslap festival. Precious.
  4. Hey, L2 something, leave it. Yes I know it is hard but someday you will grow up.. and you will see how fucking stupid you were.
  5. Yeah, respect is something that you have to earn. You can't understand it. And, guess what, I was here long time before you even knew what alphabet is. So, next time if you want to say something, just simply shut the fuck up BITCH.
  6. Yeah, great judgement, I was born in Birmingham, sure english is not my primary language, retard festival starts in three, two, one. If you don't know what I just said, it is a God damn time to start to read with understanding. Not a big deal bitch. Deal with it.
  7. Come on, I remember you from long time ago, don't show up here wich such a bullshit replies... have some respect. What is the point of as you said "trolling" this forum? Dude, seriously? Primary school is going badly for you? Are your classmates bullyin you?
  8. You kiddin right? So if I want to receive an answer, I have to join some discord? just WOW
  9. Replied like 2 weeks ago but nevermind, no response whats so ever, looks like this forum is at it's last moments of life.
  10. Mods, close the topic, this forum is dead anyway.
  11. Well, this forum is one of the places where this topic has been copy/pasted, no big hopes from here honestly, everybody know how dumb, immature and retarded are people here, and all of you who replied to my topic are the perfect example, you are that retards mentioned above, so, I don't give a fuck about your drama, the project is growing anyway
  12. Deleted, topic overwhelmed by retards. Project is still in progress but I won't bother sharing any links here.
  13. This graveyard does not require an "active mods" lol, what it need is just a little activity to start on, some competitions and contests like we used to have long time ago. It can be done easily, eve those 1/10 garbage "arts" can participate, that's how community can grow, or to be more precise, be reborn.
  14. Well not a surprise seeing the quality here tbh.
  15. Hi there, it's been a long time since my last visit here, a lot of old users and friends are long gone, section is dead and the quality of "artwork" here is pathetic, what happened?
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