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Everything posted by kracked

  1. I just though I would share this with the people here. There is a program that I use A LOT when playing all my favorite Lineage 2 Servers.... it's called AutoHotKey and it's a macro program that will emulate/simulate mouse moves and keyboard inputs so that when you set it properly it could help you in many ways. Since it seems that I am not able to get a fully working bot for Official Server with Goddess of Destruction as of 1st of August 2012. I decided that I would simply resort to setting keyboard/mouse macro properly to emulate as best as I could, a script that would help me XP while I am AFK. I have been inspired to re-do this because of L2-Zur. This program (AutoHotKey) is as much undetectable as L2-Zur is. Only some servers to my knowledge are aware of AutoHotKey and SOME of them (Privates only) have added some special protection to Close the game when they detect that AutoHotKey is running. But on ALL of thoses servers, I managed to run AutoHotKey anyway through Sandboxie. :) Now if your server has both Sandboxie AND AutoHotKey protection you will not be able to use this program. I will post my scripts later on to enhance this post but for now if you want to go ahead and mess around with it (It requires you to have some sort of programming language skills and it will require you to learn the language at first) But for now you should just go ahead and try to download it, see what it can do (as in, normally in widows, this program was absolutely not made intended to use as a third party program to help you xp in MMORPG's but you can use it as so) Watch the tutorial and try to see what it does, as it greatly helped me in all L2 servers I've played. Some server even consider this legal :) Download link : http://www.autohotkey.com/download/ Documentation : http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/ Tutorial : http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Tutorial.htm Enjoy :)
  2. Thank you for this share but I do not really care about it I just to say thanks because you put a lot of effort into it and people like you like to be thanked.
  3. It seems I can load the game and have the bot running but the bot doesnt want to work because Verify Server FAIL (for L2Walker) As of July 31st 2012
  4. L2 PHX Works in retail today?
  5. OMG this post has no update since 1 year... comon Just say where 1 bot to work in retail TODAY FFS... is it hard?
  6. lol this amount of posts is unreachable... tt,.. gg
  7. Yes please do so, and say if it works as of now?
  8. Does this work as of August 2012?
  9. Is this bot working as of today on Retail? July 31st 2012?
  10. Is this bot working on Retail as of now? July 31st 2012
  11. Does L2Net work for Official server ?
  12. Which version of L2 are you playing and on what server?
  13. still looking for answer......................................................
  14. still looking for anwser
  15. Hello, I'm doing some scripting on L2Walker because its practically the only free OOG bot that manages to login on my server (RPG-CLUB 5x) Yea I know L2Net normally is supposed to work but I've tried 50 times with different setup to make OOG work and it just doesnt work, I get 99% CPU Useage after "enterworld" packet. So yea, I know this has probably been discussed already, but I'm working on Star Stone Gathering script... Using a skill on a non random npc with walker, is it possible ? Is there ANY WAY to get ANY INFO on the target (Like it's position, x, y, z) Or... is there ANY WAY to use a skill withough specifying a target (and not get targetted to self before using skill) Like USESKILL(Star Stone Gathering) (usually it targets myself before using, and obviously doesnt work afterward) I've seen a script for dagger mastery who uses Lethal blow withough target and it's said to work "when you're in combat mode with npc in target"... Ive tried using an AOE no need for target skill right before using star stone gathering with no success.... Please, it's been litteraly 4 days i'm trying everything, L2Net is not an option for me... Unless you know another free bot that works OOG on rpg-club with more versatile scripting options, I need this...
  16. I've been lurking 3 different forums talking about l2net and I still can't figure out how to log in with OOG L2Net on RPG-CLUB, following the method on the official L2Net Forum "Guides and Walkthrough" to connect with L2Net OOG from Oddi I get a 99.9% CPU Useage freeze after the char has entered the world... BTW, Protocol Version on RPG is 83, The only available "protocol" on L2NET for ct2.3 is 87... Could that be the problem?
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