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About coward

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  1. This server is L2off GF, leaked official version of the server. Not a emulator in java. Also azure has a history of a stable server. There is no dualboxing allowed and used to be low rate. Join the open beta and see yourself.
  2. Too many problems with this server. It has a forum, left bottom corner on main page (link). I had a hard time logging in, Access denied. There was no beta testing AFAIK and they postponed the server start from 1st january.
  3. Well I was desperately looking for a low rate(4x - 15x) OFF server (C4,C5 or Interlude) with no bots and no dualbox allowed, and I found only this. I hope they will evolve to a good server. It is hard to find a liberal (rules) retail like low rate OFF server with 300+ online, fresh started and without bots today.
  4. Rates: 10x This server is using AdvExt64. http://www.l2ice.com/ More info for Azizka15: See the site. -Opened on: 08.01.2011 -Rates -Experience: 10x -Safe Enchant: +3 -Clan system -Create academies, sub-clans, assign captains to your sub-clans, learn clan skills to make your clan members -more powerfull than your enemies. -No Custom Itens -Zariche and Akamanah System -Songs & Dances 2 Minutes -General Buffs 20 Minutes -No Donate -OFF Shop -100% Retail Like -Interlude Classic Server -Data Center -Host: SoftLayer (Dallas) -Machine: -Quad Core 3.0GHz -16 GB of RAM -NetWork 2 Gbps -Secure Server -Best Software Firewall -AdvExt64 -AntiBot System
  5. Have you heard about duplicating items there ? Take a look at these screens: And a few newer screens: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2084/shot00020k.jpg http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1781/shot00021n.jpg http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/9089/shot00022b.jpg http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9382/shot00023o.jpg The newest from September 30, 2010: http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/9107/dup2.jpg http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7894/dup3.jpg[/img]
  6. I have tested this server (l2c1.ru 10x), let me share my experience with it. 1. Poor english support. (site in russian, forum in russian with a small english section, game teleport names in russian, I used a lot of translator to get in game) 2. Low server availability. (yesterday I was unable to log in) 3. Roll back. (a couple of hours, it happened a few nimutes ago, it made me quit)
  7. In my conviction you don't sare your full knowledge with COEP. Well partially you are included. Do you know when is azuregaming going to open a new server? You're Welcome. (to all) I was wondering why isn't this project already here.
  8. I am going to try this server, but it's hard to read that russian page. You should add english to your sever page, it's hard to join for a newcommer. Using google translate sucks, english forum could stay english only.
  9. I want to add my topic: COEP. Server files.
  10. Community Open Source Extender Project Info: http://sourceforge.net/projects/coep/ SVN: http://coep.svn.sourceforge.net/ Forum: http://www.depmax64.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23 Download: http://coep.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/coep/?view=tar
  11. I just needed a post to check it man.
  12. Can I increase my post count to get links by posting here?
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