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Posts posted by Jαkє

  1. just keep rooting him, if root doesn't land hit and run.

    when he gets 30% hp and root isnt landed again (-_-") he will use frenzy: try run as fast as u can, OR use ultimate defence. If you use it, he will:

    1) Hit u with bow (u can use bow too, ur defence will own him, or just keep healing urself)

    2) hit you with melee, UD will do it's work defending you, it will looks like you're going to use, but  when you have  30% hp use angelic icon and pwn his ass.

    This way you may win.

  2. Hello,


    Can anyone give me the site of a server that:


    - Has the rates of MINIMUM 10x and MAXIMUM 100-200x

    - C4,Interlude Or Hellbound

    - Preferibily NO customs, or POOR customs, or EASY to get

    - Has a really high population! I just want a server for PvP the most i can ( I love pvp'ing at 40-60 lvls )

    - Not THAT much old, playing in a server where there are already a lot of 80's is not so nice. You feel so little :(

    - Working walker or divine if possible :)


    Please, Do Not spam your own server even if it doesnt fit my description.


    I'm really looking for a server like this, thanks :D

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