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Posts posted by Jαkє

  1. Good Job Stefoulis ;)


    nothing special....


    for ppl without java  knowledge is just copy/past the "hero item handler"  and change only this part


    ... shared by mafia


    About you, why dont you show us your Uber Mega Java Skills By Creating something by your Own ? (Using JAVA), Istead of criticizing other ppl work.


    thanks again Stefoulis. Much appreciated.

  2. Lineage ][ Savage Garden


    L2 Savage Garden Rates


    200x Exp

    200x SP

    500x Adena

    Retail Enchant Rates


    L2 Savage Garden Features


    Auto-learn skills.

    DAILY Updates - Active Development.

    Respect to our community.

    Active GMs.

    100% Balanced - 100% Uptime.


    You can farm EVERYWHERE.

    Increased weight limit for characters.

    Alliances consist of a maximum of 5 clans.

    Daily Events.

    Mostly of the skills are working (We work hard to daily implement more).

    Smart and Powerful Spawn PK Guard.

    Limited and Fair Donations.

    Automated Remote Backups Daily, so there is no chance of any data loss.

    Mana Potions with Custom Reuse Delay

    Wedding Priest at Giran.

    Global Gatekeeper.

    Flagged Players Cant Use Gatekeepers.

    Custom Game Courency and Custom Global Drops.

    Fully working Interlude Clan System.

    Vitality System Fully Working.

    Custom Commands in Game for Players

    Duel System fully working. (1v1 and Party Duel)

    Limited Buff Slots.

    Augmentation fully working.

    Limited Clan Penalties.

    Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops.

    Custom TvT Event every 2h joinable with command .join and .leave



    Olympiad fully working.

    Hero System and hero skills.

    Retail-like clan halls.

    Sieges 100%.

    Full GM-Shop (all you need is there)

    General buffs, songs and dances last 2 hours.

    Prophecies / CoV / Gift of Queen last 4 minutes.

    Automatic classmaster

    Custom RaidBoss Event every 4 hours.

    General Buffs in NPC buffers.

    Gmshop, Buffer and Gk spawned in all towns.


    And even more, join and find out!


    L2 Savage Garden Hardware


    Our Server is located in the USA, Houston TX.

    Dual Core Xeon Processors

    4GB FB-DIMM Registered 667 Ram

    2x 73GB 10k RPM RAPTORs Disks in Raid 1

    100mbps Uplink Public Connection

    Windows 2003 Server Std

    Cisco Hardware Firewall

  3. I lol'ed at this !

    I have a crapp connection and i don't lagg. i wander how you could do so ? maybe a dial-up 56kb connection ?

    And it is special. I saw the work done since the server opened until now, and it was a huge ammount of things done in ~2 days. Where do you find a service like that ? Where you find GM's and Admin's working and updating the server without interruption towards the best features ?

    You made my day Mr.ExperienceL2 :))

    + the custom items implemented destroys balance
  4. You must be kidding me neo , I guess it was easy for you to take the castle .. if so , i gave u 40 more mins to take it again . Silent Move + Rent Wyvern . Why didn't u did it in the front of me ? I wouldn't have said nothing , just "sorry" and would have left u alone .. But since u started to advertise another server on hero chat .. hmm .. I'm glad you did this , i realised what kind of person you are.


    And about the donations ... Again , kidding ? If i would have put low prices like 500 pvp points 1 euro , full +20 5 euro and etc , u would have said "stupid donations , noob gm , gm doesn't care about the server he want only money" !


    Please .



    ADD : We hope this coming week we will have the new connection . Nothing sure till Wednessday tho' ... Sorry for the incredible laggings !

    what do you get donating for pvp points? a name color? lol

    and why spend 500 euros for +17 when everyone has +16?


  5. What do you think about it?


    I changed my pc from about 2 weeks to a dualcore with vista home premium, the game starts good, but when i'm ingame a lot of times the whole PC freezes and i need restart it. Its pretty annoying when u do oly. Any solution?

    DONT say change to xp please, because if i do i'll lose my pc licence...



    4) What do u think l2 should do to Bring back the old glory it use to had? (I am talking about the private servers beacuse the oficials ones are loaded of billion of ppl) I Play a c4 2 years ago that had 600 ppl and now have 70 whit luck [Hellbound] Its beacuse Back then was easier?


    That is all.-

    r u talking about infinity skills?
  7. Never heard of them. And to be honest, the name came to me while I was falling asleep and thinking about airforce stuf (alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, etc) since I ran into an old friend from the airforce the other day.

    never heard of echokinetics? o.O

    its the best highrate ever existed lmao

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