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Everything posted by paokole

  1. eleos,me auta gelousa otan eimoun 10..
  2. The Account has been found, but the password is incorrect.
  3. sorry palikare,den endiaferomai na gnwrisw 'filous' opws nomizw proeipa i mikroterhi guneka eitan guro sta 70 :)
  4. oxi.de tha dosw pereterou plirofories,otan tou xronou me to kalo apoklistw kana 5imero k ekei,tha kanw ena new 'ti na kanw'topic gia na perasei k i ora ;P
  5. oti i agamia paei sunefo :) aka masturbation goes cloud gia tous agglomatheis.
  6. ektos kai ean o filtatos apo panw exei vrei ton opoiodipote diaforetiko tropo p tha mporouse na ton murastei mazi mas,dioti i monh lush pou mou erxetai auti tin stigmi sto mualo mou einai i xrush tapas(?) perimenoume loipon..
  7. to reply sou me sigkinise giauto eipa na apantisw.. egw sinithos de prolavenw na programatisw tipota dioti o xronos metaksi tou na xestw kai na mi mporesw na kratisw se lanthanousa katastash tin kourada einai ligoteros apo 10deuterolepta,opote exw lugotera apo 9 deuterolepta na apofasisw an tha paw toualeta i tha xestw epano mou
  8. kathe fora p prospathw na mpw sto gnwsto auto site mou vgazei to eksis minuma..to kanw copy paste giati de fenetai poli kala sti photo..ti akrivws exw kanei? ;P Αυτή η ιστοσελίδα στο kithara.vu έχει αναφερθεί ως μια σελίδα κακόβουλων επιθέσεων και έχει φραγεί σύμφωνα με τις προτιμήσεις ασφαλείας σας. Οι ιστοσελίδες επιθέσεων προσπαθούν να εγκαταστήσουν προγράμματα στον υπολογιστή σας τα οποία υποκλέπτουν προσωπικές σας πληροφορίες, χρησιμοποιούν τον υπολογιστή σας για να επιτίθενται σε άλλους υπολογιστές και βλάπτουν το σύστημα σας. Μερικές ιστοσελίδες εγκαθιστούν επίτηδες κακόβουλο λογισμικό, αλλά σε αρκετές αυτό γίνεται χωρίς την γνώση ή την συγκατάθεση των ιδιοκτητών τους.
  10. hello,im playing in one gracia part 2 low rate server and i can see a lot of common items.common weapons.common armors jewels..i saw in girans place that they are very cheap{imagine u can buy for example dc boots for 150m,and common dc boots for 6.}so anybody knows what is common items and whats the difference between them and normal items?
  11. pink panther 2....just so much fvcking laught!!!!
  12. paokole

    Gia l2j

    kai 3 atoma mi sou pw..
  13. palikaria tpt apo ta parapanw dn doulepse....tis pio polles fores i me petaei se ena chat aggliko i me afhnww sto connecting kai sto telos leei sorry dn mporesame na kanoume tin syndesei ksanaprospathiste Kati kainourgio....psaxnontas sto net brika diaforous tropous ban....hardware ban kai enas allos pou se banarei isp alla auto exei epiptwsei oti malon kai alla atoma dn tha mporoun na mpoun.... mpas kai einai tpt tetoio?gt me ip change/hide ip i proxies dn mpainei
  14. so im between paladin and dark avenger...any suggestion? overlord in 24/day in walker mode wont help.
  15. i didnt tell that ill start the overpowering char.i wanted some opinions..thanks guys ,so im between paladin and dark avenger...any suggestion? ;P
  16. me petaei se akyra site re sy....mia fora me evale kai se ena allo chat aggliko prepei na itan ;P tha to dokimasw kai to diko sou file mou to exw eidi dl :D
  17. me to proxy vazw to site kai mou vgazei allantalon dn me vazei sto chat pou tou zitaw.....
  18. i wont start the most overpowered class.i just want to know opinions about the characters cause my knowledge stopped in interlude :)
  19. geia sas....exw ena psilo prob kai psaxnw lysi(an yparxei).....me exoun bannari se ena chatroom kai thelw na ksanampw ypraxei kati pou na mporw na kanw ektos apo restart to modem(gt to dokimasa auto) :P eyxaristw!! :) :) :)
  20. good evening guys, i started in one gracia part 2 low rate server,i made a lot of money(credits to l2walker ;P ) and i should start a main char.but my knowledge in l2 stoped in interlude..as i can remember in c4 necros were overpowered,in interlude tyrants were..so my question is in gracia part 2 which char deserves to playing at..i want opinions!!
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