απο οτι έχω δει από κάποια σχόλια παιδιών,είναι γαμάτο..και έχουνε ήδη αρχίσει να καίγονται.
μάλιστα μπορεις να δεις κάποιους που κάνουνε και live stream..ωστε να το δεις 'live'.
took me some time to learn how to compine his passive,his W passive in combine with E and Q..
i wouldnt say that he is easy,but if you play some games aka practise a bit then its k.
no i'm dont think the damage,but still I cant imagine fizz with zhonias..i mean how that could be usefull @fizz.
in morgana ok,in kennen its ok also,in many other aps its also good..but on fizz..?
dont be so negative..if you want bugless server go play at official..
try to be more friendly(members) report their problems/bugs/errors at their forum and its k.
played many games so far,never saw ezreal soloing..whatever,still i believe that ezreal solo is a rly,rly bad choise unless you got newbies enemies. ;p
btw raule if you're talking about staff,iracundus deserves l2jdeveloper thingy.
his the only one who is sharing unique l2jcodes,never shared before..
edit; aka iRat
learn how to write proper english in order to be understand by everyone..
Its obvious that you didnt made this since you cant even code a shit on your own
an old member here that used to be active back in 2010 dayz.