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Everything posted by Sulean

  1. Any site/forum where we can see more detailed info?
  2. Lineage 2 Oregon, Interlude 75x Grand Opening 10/05 Exp, SP, Adena 75x Custom farm AIO System Custom Titanium Set Check out more by visiting: www.l2oregon.com Official Page on facebook: www.facebook.com/L2Oregon
  3. I'm not Admin, just a player.
  4. Lineage II Fantastic! Server hardware Intel® Core™ i7-3930K Hexacore 64 GB DDR3 RAM 1 x 3 TB SATA 6 Gb/s HDD DDOS Protection _________________________________________________________________________ General Exp/SP rate: 100x (boosted EXP/SP in custom zones) Adena rate: 130x L2Geo.ru Geodata Auto loot (not for bosses and including party loot) .menu functionality Active Staff AIO buffers Offline shops nWatch Web stats Secure account management Fully working Interlude skills Fully working Fusion skills Automatic events (TVT/LMS) Giran main town Auto learn skills Retail noblesse Customized Subclass (Only Cabrio's q.item needed in order to subclass) Quest items epics in store Siege stats published after siege (HTML) Innovative events guaranteed Rewards for joining clans Restore Life/Touch of Life blocked on raids Anti-buff Toggle Custom Armor System (Dynasty) _________________________________________________________________________ Custom zones : Antharas Lair[61+] (A grade coins/AA drop) Forge of the Gods [74+] (Solo area) Forge of the Gods [78+] (Retail-like party area) Talking Island [80+] (High-rate party area) _________________________________________________________________________ Custom NPCs: NPC Buffer (scheme lists available) Classchanger Armor/Weapon/Jewels up to B grade Misc items A/S Grade Shop Luxury Shop Deleveler Event Manager Customized Rooney (porting around in FOG) _________________________________________________________________________ Custom currency S grade Coins A grade Coins Fantastic Coins Ancient Adena Event Token ___________________________________________________________________________ L2 Fantastic will go live on Saturday 9th of March at 18:30 PM GMT +1. SITE/FORUM: http://www.l2fantastic.com/index.php
  5. Officially closed! :good sir:
  6. Like old times.
  7. Great server!
  8. Server is dead... 3 hours and Tango Down =/
  9. It will open today! \o/
  10. Try this... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=253500.0
  11. Try it... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=253500.0
  12. I'll try, if i bring some ppl with me.
  13. I'm having a problem, when the bot give the comand to get the target it put "qtarget" instead "/target", how can i fix it?
  14. I want any server to play with no customs, no bugs, no donate (only if doesnt intervene at gameplay), etc.
  15. I think it gonna be epic!
  16. They dont have protection against bots
  17. If the donate gonna be like the other server it will be a problem.
  18. Everyone here want remember the old and good times of this game... Sucess is certain.
  19. this server did give a wipe recently... but look a good server, just dont have luck.
  20. C5 is the real Lineage 2... After HB is just a Mutant without control, but i see a future in GoD...
  21. Buffs retail with GMs Shops. it's not good idea... good luck with ur server.
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