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Posts posted by HighQuality

  1. that's so not -beep-ing true.

    The point is that they have the advantages and dissavantages

    i agree with you .


    Anyway ,i think that manolis11 is right about the attributes .in epilogue it would be good but in freya is diffirent . so i am closed in +duel .if you have diffirent opinion ,post it here pls thnx

  2. Imo,i think the light is the best armor for daggers.when i see people wearing heavy armors i start saying that they are noobs .i think daggers need to wear light for the good reason of evasion.it's easy to understand that these guys who wear heavy armor are some noobs who copied the idea,because they were defeated by some others with heavy.


    Also i was playing with my dagger last night (elf) and i fought with an dark elf dagger with full +30(wearing heavy armor) and i have my items +10 and i pwn him for fun .this can prove that only "CopyLikers" (lol word but you understand it :D) use heavy :D


    But this is only my opinion

  3. In game or in real life ? :) I don't see the point of writing just that, "desire for sex", where is the context ? where is the question ? In every forum users are used to questions.

    If you wanna debate the whole subject, i am sorry, but you know better than me that this is a gaming forum, and more than 50% of the users that will reply here won't even understand the real idea of you topic, so you will only get "lol replyes", some of them will be just to increase posts, other asking stupid questions.

    So, give us some more ideas about what we should debate ...

    +1.you didn't write it correctly,that's why the people started to do lol replyes  as fallendream said.can you improve your topic a bit so it's easy to understand it and have a good topic ? thank you in advance
  4. hey guys ,i 've just created my wind rider and i want to ask your opinions about the enchant + skill of blows.i have to play dagger for years ?(when i was playing interlude).Anyway i want you to tell me what + to do in my blows .


    PS: freya client,dagger attribute:earth



  5. 1st of all dual swords forgotten are a custom item so u can't find 'em in all servers..2nd i dont know wich duals are better it depends of the srv..and 3rd..about the bonus it gives u when enchanted.. it should be written in the weapon description

    no need to add something else .i think PwNNNz0r.^ covered you ,right?if you want to learn some infos why you don't post your question in the forum ,i think it's the best place .
  6. Σκεψου,οτι πολλοι admin θυσιαζουν πετυχημενους σερβερ για να βγαλουν μερικα παραπανω λεφτα


    οσο για το οτι ειναι ολοι failed,καθε 10χρονο παιδι μπορει να ανοιξει σερβερ απο το σπιτι του.Λογικο η πλειοψηφεια να ειναι failed


    kai ego simfono .kathe 10xrono anigei server gia na parei kana XBOX na pe3ei .
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