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Posts posted by HighQuality

  1. Υπάρχει αντίστοιχο section για να αναζητήσεις τον σέρβερ των ονείρων σου ακριβώς εδώ!

    ehei apolito dikio o +af.MasterDisaster .se parakaloume diavase kana rule ,checkare ola ta section kai prosexe me ta posts kai ta topics pou kaneis kai pou ta kaneis . ego pantos sou protino liberators gt pezoun filoi m ekei kai tous aresei o server
  2. Είναι η υπέρτατη αμαρτία θα έλεγα.


    Αφού και στις 10 εντολές υπήρχε μία 11η που δεν αποκαλύφτηκε ποτέ και αυτή ήταν :


    ''Ου βρίσεις GM''

    xaxaxa korifeo .ego prosopika dn exo vrisei pote gm toulaxiston na ftaso se tetio vathmo oste na tou to po ?(enoo troei vrisidia in real life alla oxi apo pm)
  3. Hey guys ,I see that this hasn't be posted and it's acceptable and wanted by some guys who use Msn .


    OK ,this is a program which allows you to create your own msn skin .it is not in english but it's easy to understand it


    1) select background login

    2) select background contact list

    3) Select background chat

    4) select background toast

    5) select icon skins


    1) Name skins

    2) description

    3) URL skins

    4) Version


                  ? for infos - for X for minimize close




    i have used it and the result was good enough.As you can understand the program is to simple so the size of download  is only 1,7 Mb and the size of program 2,85 MB


    MSN Skin Maker Updated to Version 1.5

    Fixed bugs:

    1. Fixed bug for tapping the Skin

    2. Corrected some spelling errors


    MSN Skin Maker Updated to version 2.0

    Fixed bugs:

    1. Ability to update the software through the button from Nell'AboutBox

    2. Possibility to include a transparency to Chat for readability Conversation


    MSN Skin Maker Updated to version 2.5

    Fixed bugs:

    1. Possibility to choose the language via right. Available languages: Italian, English.


    MSN Skin Maker Updated to version 3.0

    Bugs Fixed:

    1. Improved error handling.

    2. Adding the button "New" to clear the creation of skins. And 'possible to reset everything or every single window. For use by right.

    3. Ability to open and then edit the skins already created Msn Skin Maker 3.0 or higher.

    4. Ability to export images in a skin. For use by right.

    5. Management of activation and deactivation transparency chat. For use by right.



    That's All. As you can understand the program is not mine.it's of Tkd-Alex


    Tips And Infos(after using it) : 1) the program is only Windows Live Messenger 2009  [not for essentials]

                                              2) if you want to have a good result you must find big pictures with good quality

                                              3) i suggest you to use PNG expansion for the Toast And Icon Skin

    I tried to do the best presentation i could .i wish you like it and it's handy


    Best Wishes From High Quality

  4. when i push the button to start game it comes out a message :The executable you set is not standard,you may not connect to the virtual LAN with non-standard executable,would you like to start with compatible mode?Click yes to start with compatible mode and no to start normally .


    when i log in the game i don't see anything in local network


    Ps: using windows 7 ,

  5. ego ixa kanei daggera elf se ena faction kai ixa parei 30 pvp se 20 lepta (mia xara farmara gia to dominator m :D) hide ->backstab ->blows ->> switch -->backstab .omfg auto me to switch dn to vrm pote .ola ta lefta ine gia ton daggera .free backstabs :D

  6. pedia dn 3ero ego epeza se enan X15 kai ixa enan fortune seeker kai eskage kalo dmg (iha talum kai b grade blunt diplo kai eskaga 1000-1500 me skill se daggerades pou ixan dynasty)emena m aresoun poli ta nanakia alla se high rate dn nomizo na lene alla +chance sta skills tou dn me xalane :D

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