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Everything posted by gma93

  1. Very Beautiful! ;)
  2. 4shared it's offline :(
  3. very good so I'm not getting install
  4. Link OFF. :(
  5. Forgiveness, site already translated!
  6. Server Info * Version: Interlude * Exp: 50x * Sp: 50x * Adena: 99x - Lineage II Server Wizards - Similar to Retail Server (Non-Custom) - GK Global All Towns - Buff NPC in Town of Giran - Weapon and Armor Shop in Town Of Giran - Super Balanced Classes - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quest's Free - Super Events, with super prizes and gifts - Quest Nobles - Quest Mimir's Elixir - Seal Stones - No Items donations. - Staff 100%. - All bugs defeateds. Interlude L2OFF Come and join this server super serious! www.l2wizards.com
  7. Quest Nobles and Subclass tested?
  8. Very Beaultiful, tank you for share!
  9. Very good! thanks for posting!
  10. After searching times, adding `s Mod, compiling, making mistakes and correcting bug, this serves a new ending where you will change the concepts of lineage II servers in java. Our server is newly opened online with the intention of providing our users a lot of fun, Enjoy and do not miss the new features and advantages of being the first to log in. Check out what's new, call their friends, and an awesome PvP one of the few servers with TvT and CTF with 4 teams, and various news! Super Balanced! Logging now gain new skills: News From Server Wizards * Event TvT with 4 Times (Team vs Team) * Event 4 Times CTF (Capture The Flag) * Event FOS (Fortress Siege) * Event DM (Death Match) * Drop coins (fire, water, wind, earth) * Drop Adena * Aiox buff, buff with a time of greater * VIP System (More Xp, drop, chance of enchant, etc.) * No Donate! Information server: - Rates XP 700 SP 700 Adena 500 - Gm Shop Giran - NPC Buffer in all cities - Gatekeeper in all cities - All Items Donate achieved without pay - NPC Shop Complete - Buff Npc free - Areas Drop Coins - Adena Drop Areas - Subclass free - Safe +3 - Safe Full +25 - Boss Running 100% - Seven Signs - Quest nobles - Olympics with prize money of Hero - Sieges - Quest lvl20 lvl40 lvl76 free job - Buffs - Online! DO NOT WASTE TIME! Custon Server: Armor - Titanium - Dark Knight - Dynasty Weapon -Epic -Dynasty visit our website! www.l2wizards.com Come join, and between L2 Wizards for the Family Monitor the site to find out the topics and events L2 Wizards, New Server Interlude, confidence and new gameplay!
  11. Drako, muito obrigado, irei testar, e já te mando respostas.
  12. Well then, I apologize for posting in the wrong location. I ask for a moderator for the correct location.
  13. Yes sir! It's a mod where the player sells your item sitting in the city and can log out the char is still on! on!
  14. Man Plis this Links is Off... Please Upload Again... I Loved this Armor
  15. This is a very nice program dude... nice share
  16. Hello, I am looking for a mod that simulates interlude players online, or the player logs in, uses the command, log out, but yet he continues on the server. It has a mod like the "AWAY" But one thing he does is lock the target player and change the title from him. If anyone knows of this mod, and can provide thank you. Hugs. The name of the mod is shop of line!
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