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Everything posted by Dask

  1. All my dekarma's are for personal reasons, from butthurted people. You can check them About when I was gold, I didn't even ask for that. Also I Requested demotion and wrd talk back my promotion after we've discussed a couple of things. Smiting enemies? 2 smites when I was gold, Dejavu and Vampirenios, why? Because I locked 4 of 5 useless topics and they made about 20 topics full of flames.
  2. My activity is only on lol section and off topics, where 95% of my posts in off topics are actually to help/discuss and not to troll. I also have some posts in gfx section, requests, comments etc. Nothing offensive.
  3. And you really think that I care if Zake, or you or everyone here like me or not? Well I know 5 ppl that none of them liked you too. Is that makes you feel bad?
  4. I know exactly for what are you talking about, well if the fact that I made 1 troll post every 2 weeks in off topics is affects you then wow, I feel sorry about that. Are you emo or what? I don't have, in any case, intention to hurt anyone's feelings. And it's not me and vazelos, but 95% of forum.
  5. So I'm wrong. In every single post of you, I'm included. People who don't even care one time about Rules, forum, karma, bans, (example dev) making report topic for karma abuse. Who, Dev? Real, when he was Mod he's abused his ass, he was reported 24/7. Never nobody care about it.
  6. And keep saying about licking, when I'm getting banned for useless reasons. I've heard everything in here, even that I'm threating with ddos etc. Some guys are so emotional, it seems you have so much rage inside you. Keep talking shit, I don't even know how many times Finito banned and chat banned me. Also about Karma, yeah. I should have -25 cause Vampirenios and other butthurted ppl were smiting me evert 4 hours. I have many examples, but you're not able to discuss.
  7. Butthurted Butthurted everywhere
  8. Maybe, but you have a deep hate about me especially. Like everyone, get over it.
  9. Τhen stop creating topics about me, reffering to my name, scouting my karma log and posts to change my mind. Facts are talking, not me.
  10. Τι εξάτμιση; Πουλάω Yoshimura οβάλ σε άριστη κατάσταση για Innova I 100 ευρώ.
  11. Άμα Ξαναγράψεις Έτσι Θα Φας Μπαν.
  12. 40 ώρες; όταν έπαιζα Diablo με τον Pwnz0r δεν ξέραμε τι σήμαινε διάλλειμα, ύπνος ξεκούραση και είχαμε χάσει την αίσθηση του χρόνου.
  13. What Zake y u so mad with dask? y u no give a shit about other guys?
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