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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. I restart my pc and it appears when it trys to load this message "SATA II x3908t S.M.A.R.T capable but disabled" SATA II x3908t <------ It is an example i dont remmeber the exact number of Hard Disc.. I try to re-install the hard disk but nothing... Any1 knows how to fix this Shit.. BTW im back from studing for a month and i am happy that i saw a lot changes here... Keep working and i hope that some can help me.. 8) 8)
  2. oohh ty ... Thanks For Help waiting for download... i will edit my latest post for results ;) ... Edit : Problem solved guys.... Thanks ...!
  3. i dont understand how to download from there the newest driver ??? ?
  4. any1 know where to found them ? " ATI Randeon HD 2600 Series "
  5. I format 1 fiend's pc and i think i had install all right.. Pc Works Good but when it opens it shows me this message : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/828/nnt.png/ I quess is something from Graphic Card .... any1 know wtf is this and how to fix this sh!t?
  6. I am friendly with every1 i told you that i will create for you a list with all this topic's that needs updates etc....! Ok to be honest my Complaints aren't addressed to you ...! You are a gold member and no a mod .... But you told me that the responsibility of AIO topic's weighs only the author ...... Also the is an topic that his author is banned and topic's is steal Sticked.... ??? ?
  7. Yeah now u speak right... Why not to help you... ? + I 100 % agree But Java sections are not my authority, and i won't search for so many hours, to fix someone else's topic, and do it wrong. @Finito and Fb i know that both of you spend a lot of time here ....no1 can contest this....
  8. I am sorry i was typing that answer that is why i had left your post un-answer BTW You might need to be more friendly with other members Well As You asked me for i will make in my free time (mean tomorow,beacuse now i need to go offline) a list with all this topicks in order "YOU" and your team to make them better and better ... what more to say ?? loled ....
  9. Man in order to be L2 Moderator u need to spend time on sections and keep them clean etc...not only lock topics .... ( you position is just an example) if you dont have the time for it then let some1 else to take your staff position ...... This are simple things any1 should learn in the school .....
  10. about topiks i show u an example... start from this.... Also i dont understand good...? what is the problem to show u an example which will include all mxc probs ........ anyway i think discusion should stop here... If you and your other staff members think that Mxc is enought good to keep his members alive and dont lose them ,keep waiting the destruction ... CU .....
  11. really? A good forum need to be good "SEPARATED" to boards and topic's that will atract people (Titile says it all : "[share]All Java Shares, Fixes & Guides Till Today!" + this is just an example) must be really good organised.... I dont think that this is a work for Maxtor that is why there is staff here.... To be honest if i was a new member (loged in yesterday) and saw all this probs ( search disabled / shop system disabled / every 30 mins downtime [i was suffering with downtime problem the last 15 days every 30-20 mins] / topics un-organised-and un-updated this way + more i cant say right now ) i would have left in the first 30 mins.... Is that fault??? ? Also we want to make forum better and better that is why we are in this topik
  12. advertising ???? lol ???? to gain what ? omg ( i can do bump up every day, so ? ) just loled... anyway check this
  13. lol i gave an example with this topic ---> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0 (that doesnt mean that it is the only topik need update + that the updated was bad) why to make 329875 new topic's??? here any1 can say his opinion + his suggestions to be taken into consideration
  14. lol this is crazy... Thanks for sharing man...really usefull ...
  15. +++ this --------->>>> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=209196.0
  16. agorazeis free pack ? me to kormi s me ti ? :s ean einai free pos to agorazeis re file min mas treleneis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
  17. Thanks Keep Working this way it is a good start ..
  18. Thanks for share... I will be really happy to see your work shared here .. ;) Keep Working
  19. haha Server is Nice... my char will be he next Hero on Dark Elf dagger class ... ( i quess so )
  20. :P Well i had same prob with that but finito said me that no1 here had award karma which he didnt worth it :P ..! To be honest my karma had been 2 times to +3 and then Finito change it again to +2... (dunoo who because i cant see who change's my karma) He said to me that, in 1 topic you cannot take more than 1 karma ^^ i told him that maybe the person had reward me for 1 of the updates of that topic but @@ .... anyway.... good job ;)
  21. ontos to dokimasa twra dn pianei :s ...! Egw to eixa kanei prin poli kairo ... eixa topic edw... Pm Psomas2 kanei sell hacked chips...
  22. Doulevei exo kanei 1kkk chips alla molis kaneis update tin selida ta xaneis.... http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197054_1604134188068_1377519962_31403539_8158056_n.jpg
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