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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. i dont understand you man ... yes it adds "likes" on your comments/photos/status etc etc
  2. Hello maxcheaters This is my second high detailed guide and in this section and i will show you how to "hide" a .rar file into a image ;) Lets start What we will need ? 1) WinRar installed in your computer 2) Brain and time 3) Files that we want to hide and 1 image You will need simple steps ;) (I made images to make your life's easier ;) ) Step 1 ) Go to your local disk (C:\) and create 1 folder with name "Hack" ( So the destination of the folder is like this "C:\Hack" Step 2 ) We will need 1 file that .rar will have inside (except the image just for example) ! So Create a text file or whatever you want ! This file will be only included into the .rar file and it can be whatever you want ! Also we will need 1 image where we will hide inside the .rar file ;) ! We put both files into the folder we made on STEP 1 , so the folder will look like this Step 3) Now Select both files and follow the instructions on the image to make the .rar file ;) PS: After completing step3 there must be 1 more file into "Hack" folder ( The Hacked.rar file ) Step 4) Continue following the instructions on the images to open cmd as administrator Step 5) Here we will make the hidden .rar file into the image ;) 1) Write "cd.." 2) Write "cd.." again 3) Write "cd Hack" (Hack is the name of the folder that we made on step 1) 4) Write "copy /b test-image.jpg + Hacked.rar Hided-image.jpg" Step 6) Now your folder will have this files Step 7) No we should change the extension ( just follow the image instructions) Step_8 ) We are DONE ! This is what will open when you will click on Hided-image.jpg IMPORTANT!!! This also can be done with any type of file .bat or whatever ( .rar is just an image ) Thanks for reading i hope you like it ;) NeverMore
  3. πολύ δύσκολα μου φάνηκαν ελπίζω να έπιασα την βάση ... ελατήριο είχαν να βάλουν 10 χρόνια και φέτος βρήκαν να βάλουν ! οι άλλοι πως τα πήγατε ?
  4. yeah sory for this ;) Fixed ! [gr]οκ το έκανα στα αγγλικά γιατί ένα μεγάλο μέρος του φόρουν δεν είναι έλληνες και με αυτό τον τρόπο καταλαβαίνουμε όλοι :) καλύτερα να απαντάμε στα αγγλικά ! [/gr] thanks
  5. Hello maxcheaters , Since a new board arrived i decided to start sharing Guides and shares that will help members! The most importand thing you must know about your slave's (victim's) , is their IP's ! You can do alot having an ip ,from flooding-Spamimg-finding information about their connection to attacking them (DDOS) , but in every case you will need experience ! So in this guide i will show you how to get someone's ip really easy and noob friedly ;) Notice: I know there are many ways to find someone's ip but in my opinion this way is the best , because it is really easy on use ;) So lets start ;) What we will need ? 1) a broswer ( Doesnt matter which one , it will work with all broswer's) 2) a brain How will do that and how it works ? We will do that using a website named "MyIpTest" ! All you have to do , is sending a link to your slave (victim-the one who want his ip) ! When victim open that link his broswer will direct him to a page that you will choose BUT at the same time will save his IP and his IP Information! So all you have to do is to find a website that your slave may be intrested in ! You will need 6 simple steps 1) Open your broswer 2) go HERE 3) Now fill the fields like this : a) " Redirect URL: http:// "--> Here you must fill with the link that your slave will be directed b) " Link for person:"--> This is the link that you must send to your slave c) " Link for you:"--> Thats the link that you will use to see your slave's IP IMPORTAND!!! First fill the "Redirect URL: http://" field otherwise will not direct slave anywhere !!! Here is an image (example) 4) Optional - As you can see the link that you have to send to your slave ir really BIG and the way it is none will ever open it ;) So you can go HERE and shorten the slaves link ! 5) Send the link to your slave 6) Open the "Link for you:" and wait till he open the URL ! ( Refreshing the page every 1 minute till you see his IP ) Done , now you have his ip ! Have fun and Thanks for reading :) NeverMore
  6. me auto ton tropo nomizw mporeis na spaseis mono ta default keys apo ta rooter ;) kalo 8a itan na to anafereis nomizw !!! anyway poli kalo guide ! sinexise etsi ...
  7. εγώ εδώ και καιρό χρησιμοποιούσα ένα με όνομα webcruiser ! αλλά οκ φαίνονται παρόμοια μην πω και ίδια !
  8. κάτι έχεις καταλάβει λάθος from npc where type='L2Monster';
  9. το δεύτερο που σου έδωσε ο φάνκυ κάνει αυτό που θες ! από εδώ το πήρε θα βρεις και άλλα χρήσιμα ;) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=98212.0
  10. δοκίμασε αυτό UPDATE droplist SET mobId = 22215, itemId = 6619, min = 1, max = 1, category = 1, chance = 7000 δν ξέρω τι client χρησιμοποιείς ίσως τα ονόματα των column να μην είναι ακριβώς ίδια προσάρμοσε τα εσύ ανάλογα !
  11. So you sell the server files ? based on ? and what about the price
  12. πρέπει να το έχεις μέσα σου , αλλιώς ΦΑΙΛ
  13. αρχίσαμε τα παλιά ? ? ? τυχερός είσαι που δεν είναι ο δασκ στο τημ
  14. υπάρχει βέβαια και η άλλη επιλογή , να το γυρίσεις σε troll και να κοροϊδεύεις κόσμο μαζί με ένα σορό καθυστέρες από εδώ μέσα ... έχει και αυτό το γέλιο του δεν λέω
  15. με τι μηχανάκι έχεις στο μυαλό σου να το αλλάξεις ?
  16. χαχχα τσίμπησες ψαράκι , ξεκόλλα έτσι και αλλιώς δεν με νοιάζει ... κουβέντα να γίνεται ...
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