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Everything posted by spawn123

  1. To idio eixe pathei k enas filos pou eixe valei Validate bypasser gia ta windows tou.. Tha sou proteina format, gt ektos ap ayto sigoura exoun dimiourgithei k ala pola problems..
  2. I Dyndns exei hosts, den dinei patch.. Episis exei to klasiko client pou kanei update meta apo kathe change tis IP sou.. Tha sou proteina Dyndns, xrisimopiw k egw kai pistevw einai mia xara..
  3. You need to forward them to your LAN IP..And yes i think that 53 is needed
  4. 2106,7777,9014,and 80 if you have a Webserver Both TCP and UDP
  5. What kind of ID's you mean? You open the npc table inside the database an you find any ID you want!
  6. Magaki.. TELOS EIPAME.. Nomizw pos an to synexiseis tha sou axize k sena ena ban.. Soz kiolas re file alla to xete kanei mpourdelo..
  7. Ok re pedia alla to gamate, ti exete na moirasete pou tsakoneste? O zen ekfrazei ti gnwmi tou, k eiste 2 kai ton vrizete.. e dld eleos to xete parakanei..
  8. Kala kala kofte tis malakies twra oloi sas.. To pedi ena bye ithele na pei k to gamisame!!!
  9. All the client files.. And the system.. Just change the IP :P
  10. Yeap..MrAderson forgot to lock it (be more carefull next time xD) Someone lock it plz?
  11. Pote min empistevesai online translators an thes na kaneis kali douleia!
  12. I don't have your msn but you could just read this topic and you will understand http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5125.0
  13. Eixa arxisei k egw kati tetio, alla varethika toso pou to svisa k sto telos to metaniwsa :P BTW, nice try!
  14. Vazeis sto external IP to wan sou kai sto Internal to LAN? EDIT: OK exeis valei tis IP..Exeis anoixei tis ports?
  15. http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5125.0
  16. GR: Ithela merikes idees gia server renting, ektos eladas panta, an exete dei kapou (oxi oti sas katevei xD) Xerete, times, topothesia, gt psaxnw k de mporw na vrw kati ikanopiitiko, k eipa na zitisw k ales gnwmes! EN: I wanted some ideas about server renting,in foreign countrys always,if you have seen something (not from your head xD) You know, prices, locations, cause i m searching and i can't find something satisfying ( i killed it) and i posted here to take some other opinions!
  17. www.whatismyip.com If your IP changes after restarting your connection or your PC, you should use DNS..
  18. He wants wind walk not to be vanished, both of them will exist into buffs bar.. If you played TheGame C3 you should understand what he means!
  19. spawn123


    Me ti prooptikes?Parapanw tools, grigorotero browsing, den vlepw kati pou na stirizete stin gnwmi sou..
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