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Everything posted by Oppie

  1. human sigel knight lvl 99 with dual iss 85 lvl char is almost naked wtih and with some enchanted skills R heavy set with a little of element (60-30) olympiad weapons (mental and refresh skills aug) hats etc. pm me for more info.
  2. LF 99 / 99 soz.
  3. wtb sigel knight lvl 99 with dual class at lvl 99 naked. prefer human.
  4. u must be so bored to follow me everywhere, retard. Die in ur corrupt l2tales and l2vadc, grow up kid.
  5. I am selling l2 agony website with hosting (8 months left) website: www.l2agony.com pm me for more info.
  6. this server, same as l2tales, got the fake players mod ON.
  7. donation got same style than l2tales xD. corrupt donations too probably. so guuud
  8. +1, totally agree with u m8.
  9. I am looking for BLACK VESPER weapons for H5.
  10. same people behind, dont believe a single word from this people.
  11. honestly who are u? random scrub. U are not even enough inteligent to make a decent post without 200 icons, kid. Maybe not soon, probably not with my server. But soon or later we will destroy l2tales throne (or the new l2tales like this one), and he is helping us alot, he is corrupt, and he is enough retard to buy a domain without use his real name. Already Destroy his backdoor in his files, and they are not going to sell a single pack anymore. L2 community deserves a decent server.
  12. so that is the new server of l2tales admin and claw, as they planned, they will let die l2tales and they will start selling raidboss jewels in donations like in l2tales. money machine.
  13. ofcs... as u can see claw have been banned from MxC. Is enough for me. the difference from them and me, is that i dont life from l2servers, i have my own job.
  14. http://www.multiupload.nl/C5S5O5F0IU talking on skype with CLAW and L2TALES admin. Enjoy it.
  15. I recommended this files, other packs comes with backdoors and lack of support. the only problem that i saw them is that u dont get the sources, but they are good.
  16. I didnt said that, u are the one saying that i change the drops in the actual agony. L2 AGONY ON AND WHAT HAPPENED Hi dear players: I will tell u the true about what happened, with all this "hacks" that fuck up our lovely server everytime. First I must explain u who is "CLAWW" . This guy is the owner of FANDC files, this files are running in our server, good files, but they had a big problem: He put a backdoor on this files, a voicecommand that you can become a GM a fuckup any server. This voicecommand only CLAWW should know it, probably he or his friends was the guys that use it in our server. And this is how they hack it our server, and we didnt have any idea how they do it, and all our effots putting more protection, firewalls etc... was useless. I will tell u another thing, that "CLAWW" guy is the REAL admin of L2Tales, and ofcs he remove that voicecommand in his server. So yes, this guy fuckup our server everytime, wasnt our real fault, we didnt have any idea that the files that we bought had this backdoor. This guy make our experienced staff looks like a retards, even if u dont wanna play anymore in L2Agony we wanna let u clear, that wasnt our fault about what happened. So, we didnt have any hack, just this moron of claww fucking all servers to keep his l2tales in the top. We are sorry about all this problems and openings failing even if wasnt our real fault. Now u are free to play again with us or not. I hope that u can give us a last chance atleast. Regards and thanks for everything.
  17. didnt change the drop rate, drop rate of element stones is high. mosjez dont talk without know a shit, dunno why are u still here complaining if u dont play in l2agony.
  18. cool story bro.
  19. server running fine even under ddos attack. about online numbers, just check it and u will see the true (300 online rightnow) Dunno what happened there, we dont have fake numbers.
  20. claw is dissapeared from skype, and same in his website. this moron. he make me looks like a retard admin everytime. same with my friend and partner
  21. server opens in 30 minutes, we found the problem. GZ to claw from FANDC files and l2tales admin to make a backdoor command in the files that he sells.
  22. closed. dunno what to do.
  23. thanks anyway, but this isnt the problem xD.
  24. if is backdoored, noone should buy fandc files.
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