I didnt said that, u are the one saying that i change the drops in the actual agony.
Hi dear players:
I will tell u the true about what happened, with all this "hacks" that fuck up our lovely server everytime.
First I must explain u who is "CLAWW" . This guy is the owner of FANDC files, this files are running in our server, good files, but they had a big problem:
He put a backdoor on this files, a voicecommand that you can become a GM a fuckup any server.
This voicecommand only CLAWW should know it, probably he or his friends was the guys that use it in our server.
And this is how they hack it our server, and we didnt have any idea how they do it, and all our effots putting more protection, firewalls etc... was useless.
I will tell u another thing, that "CLAWW" guy is the REAL admin of L2Tales, and ofcs he remove that voicecommand in his server.
So yes, this guy fuckup our server everytime, wasnt our real fault, we didnt have any idea that the files that we bought had this backdoor.
This guy make our experienced staff looks like a retards, even if u dont wanna play anymore in L2Agony we wanna let u clear, that wasnt our fault about what happened.
So, we didnt have any hack, just this moron of claww fucking all servers to keep his l2tales in the top.
We are sorry about all this problems and openings failing even if wasnt our real fault. Now u are free to play again with us or not.
I hope that u can give us a last chance atleast.
Regards and thanks for everything.