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Everything posted by CarmineAngelo

  1. χ0α0χα0χα0χ0α0χ0αχ0α κλαιω. kkkkkk μπεικα σε ενα σερβερ και ο gm ελεγε στο global chat. *ΓΑΜΩ Ο ΜΑΛΑΚΑΣ Ο ΧΟΣΤΕΡ ΤΟ ΠΕΦΤΕΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΓΚΟΜΕΝΑ ΜΟΥ (Hoster)τη λεσ ρε μαλακισμενο για ποτο ειχαμε παει *Σκασε ρε μουνοφτιμα (Ηοστερ)Πω μαλακα θα σε δειρω κανονισε *Θα με κλασεις τα @@ μετα απο λιγο εκλεισε ο σερβερ σερβερ ναμε δεν θυμαμε αλλα ηταν σαφε 25 μαχ 25 ειναι που οι gm εχουν rules.
  2. Theme : Cloud (Final fantasy or kingdom hearts) Text : Cloud Signature xD
  3. 1)Ο σερβερ ειναι ανοιχτος απο σπιτι και γιαυτο το βραδυ θα πεφτει επιδει θελω να ξεκουρασω το pc , δεν θα βρειζετε 2)Τα λεφτα απο donate δεν επιστρεφοντε επιδει ο σερβερ μποριε να κλεισει 3)Ιτεμς δινομυε μονο στους φιλους και οχι σε οποιον νανε 4)Το GM Shop είναι κλέφτης οποτε αν σας κλέψει τα αντενα ποστ στο φορουμ να σου τα δώσουμε 5)Για να μπεις στο σερβερ πληρωνεις 5 ευρω των μήνα γιατι θα κάνουμε wipe καθε μήνα γιαυτους που δεν πληρώνουν Αν εισαι μουσουλμανος εχει τους εξης κανονες : 1) Δεν βρίζουμε παναγιες 2)Ποτε δεν τρώμε mobs με κρεας 3)Ποτε δεν πέρνουμε το Adolph και το παμε σε σκοτεινα δοματια 4)Ποτε δεν βρίζουμε 5)Σεβόμσατε τις αδερφες μας Οδηγιες για τους admins: 1)Ο Admin έχει παντα δικιο. 2)Αν ο admin δεν εχει δικιο τότε ακολουθει ο πρωτος κανονας 3)ο Admin μπορει και βριζει στο χιρο τσατ οποτε θέλει 4)Παρακαλω ολοι οι gm να λενε στο announcement τα πρωσοπικα τους και οχι μεσω msn
  4. στο μυαλο μου εισαι , αν πετυχω κατι τετοιο επισεις αν δεν πιασει ενα χακ δεν λεει ο σερβερ.
  5. well , i think he wanna advertisment some friend server , but he need a warns.
  6. Hello guys , today i will show you how to play with amumu , first of all i am sorry for my english. Costs : 585 1350 Perhaps one of the oddest champions in the League of Legends is the yordle known as Amumu. His life before joining the League remains unknown - especially to Amumu. All he remembers is that he woke up alone inside a pyramid within the Shurima Desert. He was entwined in mummy wrappings and he could not feel his heart beat. Furthermore, he felt a deep sadness that he could not entirely explain; he knew he missed his parents, though he could not remember who they were. Dropping to his knees, Amumu wept into his bandages. No matter what he did, it seemed he could just never stop his tears or sadness. Eventually he got up off his knees to mope and wander the world, making his way to the League; it would seem that even the raw power of unleashed emotions can be used to benefit the plans of summoners. ''Things are bad when Amumu is crying, but they're much worse when he's angry.'' His stats on 1 level are : Health 550 (+78.00 per level) Mana 260 (+40.00 per level) MoveSpeed 310 (+0.00 per level) Armor 18 (+3.30 per level) SpellBlock 30 (+0.00 per level) CriticalStrike 3 (+0.40 per level) HealthRegen 2 (+0.17 per level) ManaRegen 1 (+0.06 per level) Range 100 (+0.00 per level) Character Abillities : Bandage Toss Amumu tosses a sticky bandage at target,stunning and damaging the target while he pulls to them Mana Cost : 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 CoolDowns: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds Despair Overcome by anguish,nearby enemies lose a percentage of their maximum health each second Cooldown : 2 sec Mana costs : 10 Per Second Tantrum Permamently reduces the psychal damage Amumu would take. Amumu can unlease his rage dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Each Time Amumu is hit,the cool down on tantrum is reduced by 0.5 Cooldowns:Cooldown 21 / 18 / 15 / 12 / 9 seconds Curse of the Sad Mummy Amumu entagles surrounding enemy units in bandages rendering them unable to attack or move and causes them to take damage each second Cooldown 170 / 150 / 130 seconds Cost 100 / 150 / 200 mana Amumu Roles Are :Tank, Mage, Disabler, Stun, Melee, Nuke, Tough Amumu Skill build: 1: Tantrum 2: Bandage Toss 3: Tantrum 4: Despair 5: Tantrum 6: Curse of the Sad Mummy 7: Tantrum 8: Despair 9: Tantrum (Max) 10: Despair 11: Curse of the Sad Mummy 12: Despair 13: Despair (Max) 14: Bandage Toss 15: Bandage Toss 16: Curse of the Sad Mummy 17: Bandage Toss 18: Bandage Toss Items Build: Regrowth Pendant Ninja Tabi Sunfire Cape x2 Warmog's Armor Frozen Mallet or heart of gold Ninja tabi/mercury treads Banshees veil (2715)/ sunfire cape sunfire cape (2850) Abyssal scepter (2650)/ sunfirecape thornmail (2000)/ sunfirecape Amumu on mastery he need only DEFENSE And Utility Amumu Games: Early Game 1-10 : Amumu must xp from creeps. you xp from 1 to 6 and then you go to buy . P.S first item mast be ninja tabi because you must run as fast as them i think Watch Characters On Low Level : Annie,Mundo Annie: Make stun attacks , his ulti is so strong on amumu Mundo: fast HP Regen,Slow TIPS: If your being chase by one peron you can always just bandage toss them ( if they're actually really close to you, otherwise just keep running) If you or your team is being chased by multiple people, you can alway pop your ult on them, saving your team ( sometimes this means you die but not always) if someone tower dives you or is just being hit by a tower for some reason, make sure to either ult him or bandage toss him or both( this can get you alot of early game kills) Always make sure your team know what your doing before you do it so they can help! In a team fight, if one of they're dps is attacking a teammate with low health make sure to bandage toss them if you can. Here is the end . Later i will post the bug of amumu for do each second 120 damage , see ya
  7. Ωραιο το pc μαγκα , χωραει 100-120 γιατι παιζει ρολο κ το int connect κάνε και ενα speedtest και διξε μας απο Εδω
  8. Αεκ ειναι ο πατερας μου. ουυυυυυ :P
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=170995.0 junk it Author request . ( me )
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=173000.0 move it { Exploits } to request help [GR]
  11. fix my karma and chat ban me 5 days i m agree i dont need post count :)
  12. so who can fix my abuse? a Normal Member maybe?
  13. i have already make it but :O on report abuse karma , so why u dont fix it? why are u here only for spam on official topics?
  14. what to solve? u cannot stand byself and u help me ? ahaha
  15. Omg new g mods are fail ( Only Ed ) Chandy,GrisoM,Blane are seriously guys for that action only extremedwarf playing with all members here , i think u have pay to be that action or maxtor make u because u are his friend , no way.
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