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About Swiker@

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Lineage][Oath - 8/10 server is not up yet but we're working on it.
  2. Well , c4 is just a legend there there is no much servers left that are c4 .
  3. You can lock the topic , we changed our plans , we're going to make a epilouge server rates 200x.
  4. Well it deppends , every class has hes bad side and good side , a warlord can be very useful for mass pvp with hes mass stun and a titan can be useful for raid bosses so every class is good at something and bad at something.
  5. L2-dragonnetwork L2-Oath (not up yet :D) L2-Bfdr L2-extreme
  6. lol , he is just asking how he can change the textures why should he change the game ?
  7. Yeah its legal , if you didn't done it before then I suggest you to make a java server first its not hard you can setup a java server in max 1h if everything goes right . You will have to download some programs and make sure that you have external ip otherway you will need to download hamachi to you'll have to open ports if you got router , well just download teamviewer I can setup the server for ya.
  8. Yeah in my opinion titan is pretty balanced on gracia.
  9. Cheek if your firewall are closed , cheek if ur protocolrevision is right : MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 or maybe you got internal ip if so then you will need to use hamachi.
  10. Hello there , from what I understand you wan't to be gm so I'll tell you something its not funny to be a gm the only you can do is sit in the towns and answer people and maybe make sometimes events . Most of owners of servers are looking for developers that will help them with developing and so on but not people that wan'ts to be gm , but you're lucky that I left my last project interlude our staff decide to work on a epilouge server but we didn't close the interlude project so if you wan't to test how gm acces lvl 1 works then add me on msn swiker90@hotmail.com
  11. Pm me with the idea I may make you the script for free when I find free time.
  12. 1.Lineage 2 2.Counter Strike 3.Counter Strike Source 4.Heroes of Newearth 5.Aion 6.World of warcraft 7.Exteel 8.Flyff 9.Dragonball online 10.CODMW
  13. you can lock topic I found some free time and made one.
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