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Everything posted by Heero

  1. great job! you have to High Five? belo trabalho! vc tem para High Five?
  2. was cool. an idea, Why not try to do with the style of a vesper acid?
  3. which means the button "asdf"?
  4. very strong! the brightness is too strong! bothers his eyes.
  5. you have these hair styles for server L2JServer High Five?
  6. this movement it is kinda gay, is not it? rest of this fine, thank you
  7. ours, congratulations, were beautiful. Thank you very much
  8. this missing file icons of weapons and UTX
  9. This decrypted?
  10. beautiful pack but missed the dual.
  11. "Download not available" link off
  12. hello please you have that effect for the implosion version Hi5?
  13. hello please we are all the armor there? (heavy, light, robe) or just the light? thanks
  14. dual's wonderful thanks for sharing!
  15. wonderful bow thanks for sharing!
  16. So I had to flooding 50 times? why dont have anything to post, and I still have to use the translator google : /
  17. beautiful arms I loved it! you have the armor too? thanks!
  18. wonderful I liked! thanks for sharing
  19. [Hidden post: You need 50 posts or become a VIP or Donator member to see it. You currently have 1.] <----- unlocks the post please!
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