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Everything posted by josefcz

  1. I vote for L2JEqual
  2. Guys i need walls textures or coliseum skin for event pvp plzx Helpzor tzx a lot
  3. I need to change the configuration of the Olympiad from 9 to 20 basic games , i learn olimpiad.java and config.java and dont found it to change is for interlude pack i need only one example where is te code for change it . tzx a lot
  4. Yes olimpiad .. sry for me bad english
  5. Where I can find the number of Olympic games need to change the minimum games such as 9-20 games thanks
  6. Dont is md5 md5_128bit md5_64bit md5(md5_lcase) md5(md5_Ucase) sha1_160bit MySQL_64bit MySQL_160bit i still chek it . gogogog join is good exploit take back pass from sql database :D
  7. Hello i found one bulnerability on a website from server l2j , i have data base info and all tables from users and gms . i have one problem whit descrypt passwords anyone can help plzx . I need descryp passwords from char acounts example this passs --->>>> AmykxFy6PLVI/Iw3a4g2D/0gY3A= encrypted as I can do this?
  8. go here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=104282.0
  9. TradeRequest.java and config acces lvl for gm
  10. post sql here
  11. Yeah, how to find the offsets for different versions of l2walker?
  12. thx for your feedback !!! At least one tried it ! i have been confused with the mxc these days !!!
  13. ts pretty obvious, just read the post. Copy the script, put it in l2.net once logged in (www.ltwonet.com) change the values in the first 30 lines of the script to your needs, and run it.
  14. It's Like L2net...with war function when target war in rage ex: 500 alarm run and in party chat u see name enemy etc...Cheesy
  15. if any one can login and stay in the servers off abyss can bot to any server its a very good test for all)
  16. 2.net scripts may seem complicated,a few of them really are very complicated,but with a decent brain and a grain of logic it's not really that difficult to make net scripts better than walker ones
  17. thanks , works fine.. i just need 1 thing, can u give me 1 link teaching how to use all those stuff ? im starting using it and i need some help.. like make scripts and those things. i know also how to buffs and some things. give me 1 link if possible . thanks u bro
  18. to me it work pretty fine..ty for sharing..p.s. i use steam
  19. eh i checked the site... but its a bit france and kinda non understanding but thanks.More suggestion's are welcome
  20. to me it work pretty fine..ty for sharing..p.s. i use steam
  21. l2jfree panta.. 1i stin lista m..iparxi periptosi omos na xrisimopiiso kai l2j..
  22. oreo program r project otan les credits gia esena ecy to eftia3es? a kai gia gracia final piani?
  23. mpravo re man allo ena xrisimo prog pou xreazete enas dev gia na ftia3ei ta buffs... wreo share..
  24. Why do you create already existing topics?
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