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Everything posted by thunder11

  1. the same way like summon friend but for all the pt
  2. 1031
  3. thunder11


    to top mou einai 32 mono:(
  4. i have low 8 hours and 29 minutes :P
  5. i dont understand;/
  6. krima exasa 12 oly points gia na to dokimaso pfff
  7. merikes fores kolane ta soulshot ,aytes tis stigmes ama kaneis encant ,ta encant ama spasoun vgazoun ta crystal alla to weapon dn spaei ;d
  8. this is very boring
  9. lol this is a joke there is no real money
  10. emena ka8olou dn mou doulevei kai to kana kai me kompiouteraki
  11. this is not right sorry;/
  12. this server has MUCH lag, i wont play anymore
  13. this norton is real?
  14. L2>WOW
  15. he only spam ^^
  16. pigene tualeta -xese
  17. m2 wtf?
  18. 1 mono psifo i nd , gia na doume!:P
  19. thunder11

    new forest

    how this is supposed to save amazon?
  20. orea pic axxaax
  21. i think you are right!
  22. o sigerkimenos server einai full apo geodata bugs , alla encant bug kai bug gia na vgaleis lefta i kana simantiko bug opws multiclass klP DEN!
  23. pfff ka8isa kai evgala 70 items apo to invt m gia na spasw 2 weapons sto +4... Afou dn eiste sigouroi , gt ta postarete?? btw to 78% pws to evgales??ekatses k ekanes tin pra3h me ena toso diskolo noumero ?kai min peis oti sou petixe 78 fores kai apetixe 22 gt oxi dn 8a se pistepsw
  24. ama ginete 8a i8ela na postarete oloi osa exploits 3eroume gia tous retail l2 c4 servers ( akoma k to pio asimanto ) na ta exoume ola mazi!
  25. to dokimasa egw se enan java server ton mml2 k dn epiase...
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