if i like the server i play for sure all i can, i was playing L2Gold for 2 years
but i agree that this server will not last that 6 months with that rule
yeah, that's what i do in most servers, but it's really boring download the system, make a new char and see all the shitty custom things that most of the servers have
im not talking about this server, cause i dont know right now, but later in my home im gonna see
maybe you can put the stats to save some time to other players too
i agree in some part of the custom items, what i want to know is the stats of the customs, maybe they have similar stats to Dynasty, that's fine for me, but no more
but why add spoil/sweep to other classes, that's Dwarf job, the reason Bounty Hunter exists is spoil skill
I was happy cause of this, dwarf class is always for nothing in high rates
To Custom Item Materials get you need to spoil and sweep monsters
but this... why??? whyy??????
All Classes have Spoil and Sweep Skills(except Mages and Archers)
maybe the server have some lag or delay
try using the fighter script in the L2Net forum, it have the spoil part scripted too, with variable delay, from my experience, the script is always better than the GUI