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Everything posted by LagannBTT

  1. use systemmsg-e.dat and sysstring-e.dat from english system
  2. well, is not his server, he say that at the end of the post the web is not in spanish, i think is lituanian maybe server sux, preconfig pack and done
  3. Blizzard, your patch have a lot of textures, almost 200 mb for nothing http://i49.tinypic.com/2l90aq1.jpg
  4. if i like the server i play for sure all i can, i was playing L2Gold for 2 years but i agree that this server will not last that 6 months with that rule
  5. :S can u explain why? im downloading C4 right now
  6. im going to check the server in the week, cant find my C4 dvd :/ hope to see more people there in time, i miss c4 pvps :P
  7. well, that's just... stupid, i was thinking it's not possible that option, who wants to play on a server like that oO
  8. yeaph, it really is, and it's usefull for mages too ;)
  9. yeah, that's what i do in most servers, but it's really boring download the system, make a new char and see all the shitty custom things that most of the servers have im not talking about this server, cause i dont know right now, but later in my home im gonna see maybe you can put the stats to save some time to other players too
  10. i agree in some part of the custom items, what i want to know is the stats of the customs, maybe they have similar stats to Dynasty, that's fine for me, but no more but why add spoil/sweep to other classes, that's Dwarf job, the reason Bounty Hunter exists is spoil skill
  11. it's LagannBTT and where i made a double post???
  12. ty, if i have new question im gonna ask in the other topic
  13. can you make a changelog of those changes?
  14. but you are the admin of this new server right???
  15. I was happy cause of this, dwarf class is always for nothing in high rates To Custom Item Materials get you need to spoil and sweep monsters but this... why??? whyy?????? All Classes have Spoil and Sweep Skills(except Mages and Archers)
  16. what changes you made to say you have Balance Class 99%??
  17. i dont know, you are the admin? you should know :/ im going to check the server later, i can't now
  18. gl with your server but too many donations for me :/ apart of that, nice features just to have some fun to pvp
  19. what you mean with "Vipes every 6 months" in the server web
  20. i hope only C4 EDIT UPDATE why the server patch is 93mb then???
  21. too much custom, can you give the stats? i want to know that before
  22. Donation List? Max Enchant?
  23. maybe the server have some lag or delay try using the fighter script in the L2Net forum, it have the spoil part scripted too, with variable delay, from my experience, the script is always better than the GUI http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/488-fighter-script-358
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