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Everything posted by LioNtaraki

  1. pesmou ena blunt,sword. na paro buy?
  2. General protection fault! History: UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial208) <- ObjectTestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial208) <- UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector Transient.ShadowProjector274) <- AActor::Serialize <- ObjectTestReach <- (ShadowProjector Transient.ShadowProjector274) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- UMasterLevel::Serialize <- ObjectTestReach <- (MasterLevel Transient.MasterLevel0) <- UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- ObjectTestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UMasterLevel::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::ScreenFadeDone <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop sto escape
  3. 1)blood in blood out 2)prison break 3)lost 4)men kai den 5)kostantinou kai elenhs 6)To Spiti tis xaras Total time logged in: 4 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes.
  4. dikosmou gracia final ama thelis server gracia
  5. poliksere mafou lei oti otan patai register gameserver tou bgazi to error ara!!:(:) file pesmou ama esiakse kane afto pou se leo kai den leo exi l2jfree apla dixno poune to files
  6. kalo brabo alla exo l2jfree kai den exi afto CharacterCreate.java exi restore kai kati alla alla tetio den exi ama bro enan code gia na peraso sto core tou sevrer ths grames me - tis sbino kai as grafi kati
  7. C:\l2jfree gracia final\loginserver\config loginserver config bres afto kai kanto true # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = True
  8. ama kapios se kani donate kai meta 2 mines klisis ton server apla thase skilobrizi
  9. 4 gb ram 1mbs upload taxitita to upload exi sxesi 10gb free disck space kai kalo epeksergasti 2.20 me afta po grafo sikona 75 atoma aneta alla xoris malakies opos phx na xoune oli kai tetia gt opios ixe phx kai erixne afthona adena kolouse
  10. kai go kati tetio rotao prota kano compile kai meta edit i prota edit kai meta compile edit poooooooo file brabo me to video ematha na bazo pramata nase kala ama ixa lefta tha se ebaza pano apo 200 evro ston logariasmo sou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. pou akribos /* public class EnterWorld extends L2GameClientPacket { private static final String _C__ENTERWORLD = "[C] 11 EnterWorld c[bddddbdcccccccccccccccccccc] (unk)"; @Override protected void readImpl() { /* 16 leading and trailing null bytes and a block of bytes inside. * The block seems not to change (same IP, diff chars/accounts) byte[] b = new byte[104]; readB(b); _log.info("EW: " + HexUtil.printData(b)); */ skip(104); } @Override protected void runImpl() { L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { _log.warn("EnterWorld failed! activeChar is null..."); getClient().closeNow(); return; } getClient().initServerPacketQueue(); if (Config.GM_EVERYBODY_HAS_ADMIN_RIGHTS && !(activeChar.isGM())) activeChar.setAccessLevel(200); // restore instance Instance ins = InstanceManager.getInstance().getDynamicInstance(activeChar); if (ins != null) { if (Config.RESTORE_PLAYER_INSTANCE) activeChar.setInstanceId(ins.getId()); else ins.removePlayer(activeChar.getObjectId()); } // Restore Vitality if (Config.ENABLE_VITALITY && Config.RECOVER_VITALITY_ON_RECONNECT) { float points = Config.RATE_RECOVERY_ON_RECONNECT * (System.currentTimeMillis() - activeChar.getLastAccess()) / 60000; if (points > 0) activeChar.updateVitalityPoints(points, false, true); } if (Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION > 0) activeChar.setProtection(true); activeChar.spawnMe(activeChar.getX(), activeChar.getY(), activeChar.getZ()); activeChar.getKnownList().updateKnownObjects(); sendPacket(new SSQInfo()); sendPacket(new UserInfo(activeChar)); sendPacket(new ItemList(activeChar, false)); activeChar.getMacroses().sendUpdate(); sendPacket(new ShortCutInit(activeChar)); activeChar.sendSkillList(); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.WELCOME_TO_LINEAGE); if (Config.SERVER_AGE_LIM >= 18 || Config.SERVER_PVP) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENTERED_ADULTS_ONLY_SERVER); else if (Config.SERVER_AGE_LIM >= 15) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENTERED_COMMON_SERVER); else sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENTERED_JUVENILES_SERVER); sendPacket(new HennaInfo(activeChar)); Announcements.getInstance().showAnnouncements(activeChar); SevenSigns.getInstance().sendCurrentPeriodMsg(activeChar); activeChar.updateNameTitleColor(); if (activeChar.isGM()) { if (Config.SHOW_GM_LOGIN) Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("GM " + activeChar.getName() + " has logged on."); if (Config.GM_STARTUP_INVISIBLE) AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().useAdminCommand(activeChar, "admin_invisible"); if (Config.GM_STARTUP_SILENCE) AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().useAdminCommand(activeChar, "admin_silence"); if (Config.GM_STARTUP_INVULNERABLE) AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().useAdminCommand(activeChar, "admin_invul on"); if (Config.GM_STARTUP_AUTO_LIST) GmListTable.addGm(activeChar, false); else GmListTable.addGm(activeChar, true); } Siege quickfix = SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(activeChar); if (quickfix != null && quickfix.getIsInProgress() && !quickfix.checkIsDefender(activeChar.getClan())) { if (activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NO_HQ) // no such zones yet, so || activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_CASTLE)) activeChar.teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } // send user info again .. just like the real client sendPacket(new UserInfo(activeChar)); if (activeChar.getClanId() != 0 && activeChar.getClan() != null) { sendPacket(new PledgeShowMemberListAll(activeChar.getClan())); sendPacket(new PledgeStatusChanged(activeChar.getClan())); // Residential skills support activeChar.enableResidentialSkills(true); } if (activeChar.getStatus().getCurrentHp() < 0.5) // is dead activeChar.setIsDead(true); if (activeChar.isAlikeDead()) // dead or fake dead // no broadcast needed since the player will already spawn dead to others sendPacket(new Die(activeChar)); // engage and notify Partner if (Config.ALLOW_WEDDING) { engage(activeChar); notifyPartner(activeChar); // Check if player is married and remove if necessary Cupid's Bow if (!activeChar.isMaried()) { L2ItemInstance item = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(9140); // Remove Cupid's Bow if (item != null) { activeChar.destroyItem("Removing Cupid's Bow", item, activeChar, true); // No need to update every item in the inventory //activeChar.getInventory().updateDatabase(); // Log it if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("Character " + activeChar.getName() + " of account " + activeChar.getAccountName() + " got Cupid's Bow removed."); } } } L2ItemInstance weapon = activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LRHAND); if (weapon == null) weapon = activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (weapon != null) { if ((weapon.isHeroItem() && !activeChar.isHero() && !activeChar.isGM()) || (activeChar.getPkKills() > 0 && weapon.getItemId() > 7815 && weapon.getItemId() < 7832)) activeChar.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(weapon.getItem().getBodyPart()); } activeChar.updateEffectIcons(); activeChar.sendSkillCoolTime(); Quest.playerEnter(activeChar); loadTutorial(activeChar); for (Quest quest : QuestManager.getInstance().getAllManagedScripts()) { if (quest != null && quest.getOnEnterWorld()) quest.notifyEnterWorld(activeChar); } notifyFriends(activeChar); notifyClanMembers(activeChar); notifySponsorOrApprentice(activeChar); L2Clan clan = activeChar.getClan(); if (clan != null) sendPacket(new PledgeSkillList(clan)); sendPacket(new ExStorageMaxCount(activeChar)); sendPacket(new QuestList(activeChar)); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); if (Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(activeChar)) { activeChar.doRevive(); activeChar.teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to the nearest town due to you being in an Olympiad Stadium."); } activeChar.revalidateZone(true); activeChar.sendEtcStatusUpdate(); if (DimensionalRiftManager.getInstance().checkIfInRiftZone(activeChar.getX(), activeChar.getY(), activeChar.getZ(), true)) // Exclude waiting room DimensionalRiftManager.getInstance().teleportToWaitingRoom(activeChar); // Wherever these should be? sendPacket(new ShortCutInit(activeChar)); if (Hero.getInstance().getHeroes() != null && Hero.getInstance().getHeroes().containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId())) activeChar.setHero(true); // Restore character's siege state if (activeChar.getClan() != null) { for (Siege siege : SiegeManager.getInstance().getSieges()) { if (!siege.getIsInProgress()) continue; if (siege.checkIsAttacker(activeChar.getClan())) activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 1); else if (siege.checkIsDefender(activeChar.getClan())) activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 2); } for (FortSiege fsiege : FortSiegeManager.getInstance().getSieges()) { if (!fsiege.getIsInProgress()) continue; if (fsiege.checkIsAttacker(activeChar.getClan())) activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 1); else if (fsiege.checkIsDefender(activeChar.getClan())) activeChar.setSiegeState((byte) 2); } } //Updating Seal of Strife Buff/Debuff if (SevenSigns.getInstance().isSealValidationPeriod()) { int owner = SevenSigns.getInstance().getSealOwner(SevenSigns.SEAL_STRIFE); if (owner != SevenSigns.CABAL_NULL) { int cabal = SevenSigns.getInstance().getPlayerCabal(activeChar); if (cabal == owner) activeChar.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5074, 1), false); else if (cabal != SevenSigns.CABAL_NULL) activeChar.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5075, 1), false); } } for (L2ItemInstance i : activeChar.getInventory().getItems()) if (i.isTimeLimitedItem()) i.scheduleLifeTimeTask(); activeChar.queryGameGuard(); sendPacket(new FriendList(activeChar)); if (Config.SHOW_LICENSE) CoreInfo.versionInfo(activeChar); if (Config.SHOW_HTML_NEWBIE && activeChar.getLevel() < Config.LEVEL_HTML_NEWBIE) { String Newbie_Path = "data/html/newbie.htm"; if (HtmCache.getInstance().pathExists(Newbie_Path)) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1); html.setFile(Newbie_Path); html.replace("%name%", activeChar.getName()); // replaces %name%, so you can say like "welcome to the server %name%" sendPacket(html); } } else if (Config.SHOW_HTML_GM && activeChar.isGM()) { String Gm_Path = "data/html/gm.htm"; if (HtmCache.getInstance().pathExists(Gm_Path)) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1); html.setFile(Gm_Path); html.replace("%name%", activeChar.getName()); // replaces %name%, so you can say like "welcome to the server %name%" sendPacket(html); } } else if (Config.SHOW_HTML_WELCOME) { String Welcome_Path = "data/html/welcome.htm"; if (HtmCache.getInstance().pathExists(Welcome_Path)) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1); html.setFile(Welcome_Path); html.replace("%name%", activeChar.getName()); // replaces %name%, so you can say like "welcome to the server %name%" sendPacket(html); } } // Resume paused restrictions ObjectRestrictions.getInstance().resumeTasks(activeChar.getObjectId()); // check player skills activeChar.checkAllowedSkills(); // check for academy activeChar.academyCheck(activeChar.getClassId().getId()); // check for crowns CrownManager.checkCrowns(activeChar); if (Config.ONLINE_PLAYERS_AT_STARTUP) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1); if (L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().size() == 1) sm.addString("Player online: " + L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().size()); else sm.addString("Players online: " + L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().size()); sendPacket(sm); } PetitionManager.getInstance().checkPetitionMessages(activeChar); activeChar.onPlayerEnter(); if (activeChar.getClanJoinExpiryTime() > System.currentTimeMillis()) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CLAN_MEMBERSHIP_TERMINATED); /* if (activeChar.getClan() != null) { // Add message if clanHall not paid. Possibly this is custom... ClanHall clanHall = ClanHallManager.getInstance().getClanHallByOwner(activeChar.getClan()); if (clanHall != null && !clanHall.getPaid()) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.MAKE_CLAN_HALL_PAYMENT_BY_S1_TOMORROW); sm.addNumber(???); sendPacket(sm); } } */ //Sets the appropriate Pledge Class for the clannie (e.g. Viscount, Count, Baron, Marquiz) activeChar.setPledgeClass(L2ClanMember.getCurrentPledgeClass(activeChar)); L2ShortCut[] allShortCuts = activeChar.getAllShortCuts(); for (L2ShortCut sc : allShortCuts) sendPacket(new ShortCutRegister(sc)); // remove combat flag before teleporting L2ItemInstance flag = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(9819); if (flag != null) { Fort fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFort(activeChar); if (fort != null) { FortSiegeManager.getInstance().dropCombatFlag(activeChar); } else { int slot = flag.getItem().getBodyPart(); activeChar.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(slot); activeChar.destroyItem("CombatFlag", flag, null, true); } } if (!activeChar.isGM() // inside siege zone && activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_SIEGE) // but non-participant or attacker && (!activeChar.isInSiege() || activeChar.getSiegeState() < 2)) { // Attacker or spectator logging in to a siege zone. Actually should be checked for inside castle only? activeChar.teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); //activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to the nearest town due to you being in siege zone"); - custom } RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(activeChar, PlayerStateOnCommunity.NONE); if (!activeChar.isTransformed()) activeChar.regiveTemporarySkills(); // Send Teleport Bookmark List sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(activeChar)); ExBasicActionList.sendTo(activeChar); int daysLeft = activeChar.canReceiveAnnualPresent(); if (daysLeft < 8 && daysLeft != -1) { if (daysLeft == 0) sendPacket(ExNotifyBirthDay.PACKET); else sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DAYS_UNTIL_BIRTHDAY).addNumber(daysLeft)); } L2ClassMasterInstance.showQuestionMark(activeChar); if (activeChar.getLevel() == 28) sendPacket(new TutorialShowQuestionMark(1002)); GlobalRestrictions.playerLoggedIn(activeChar); } /** * @param activeChar */ private void engage(L2PcInstance cha) { int _chaid = cha.getObjectId(); for (Couple cl : CoupleManager.getInstance().getCouples()) { if (cl.getPlayer1Id() == _chaid || cl.getPlayer2Id() == _chaid) { if (cl.getMaried()) cha.setMaried(true); cha.setCoupleId(cl.getId()); if (cl.getPlayer1Id() == _chaid) cha.setPartnerId(cl.getPlayer2Id()); else cha.setPartnerId(cl.getPlayer1Id()); } } } /** * @param activeChar partnerid */ private void notifyPartner(L2PcInstance cha) { if (cha.getPartnerId() != 0) { L2PcInstance partner = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(cha.getPartnerId()); if (partner != null) partner.sendMessage("Your Partner " + cha.getName() + " has logged in."); } } /** * @param activeChar */ private void notifyFriends(L2PcInstance cha) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FRIEND_S1_HAS_LOGGED_IN); sm.addPcName(cha); for (Integer objId : cha.getFriendList().getFriendIds()) { L2PcInstance friend = L2World.getInstance().findPlayer(objId); if (friend != null) { friend.sendPacket(new FriendList(friend)); friend.sendPacket(sm); } } } /** * @param activeChar */ private void notifyClanMembers(L2PcInstance activeChar) { L2Clan clan = activeChar.getClan(); if (clan != null) { L2ClanMember clanmember = clan.getClanMember(activeChar.getObjectId()); if (clanmember != null) { clanmember.setPlayerInstance(activeChar); SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CLAN_MEMBER_S1_LOGGED_IN); msg.addString(activeChar.getName()); clan.broadcastToOtherOnlineMembers(msg, activeChar); clan.broadcastToOtherOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowMemberListUpdate(activeChar), activeChar); if (clan.isNoticeEnabled() && !clan.getNotice().isEmpty()) { NpcHtmlMessage notice = new NpcHtmlMessage(clan.getClanId()); notice.setFile("data/html/clanNotice.htm"); notice.replace("%clan_name%", clan.getName()); // perhaps <br> is in retail? notice.replace("%notice_text%", clan.getNotice().replaceAll("\r\n", "<br1>")); activeChar.sendPacket(notice); } } } } /** * @param activeChar */ private void notifySponsorOrApprentice(L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (activeChar.getSponsor() != 0) { L2PcInstance sponsor = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(activeChar.getSponsor()); if (sponsor != null) { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOUR_APPRENTICE_S1_HAS_LOGGED_IN); msg.addString(activeChar.getName()); sponsor.sendPacket(msg); } } else if (activeChar.getApprentice() != 0) { L2PcInstance apprentice = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(activeChar.getApprentice()); if (apprentice != null) { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOUR_SPONSOR_C1_HAS_LOGGED_IN); msg.addString(activeChar.getName()); apprentice.sendPacket(msg); } } } private void loadTutorial(L2PcInstance player) { QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("255_Tutorial"); if (qs != null) qs.getQuest().notifyEvent("UC", null, player); } @Override public String getType() { return _C__ENTERWORLD; } }
  12. eksigistemou afto edo pliz kapios pou kseri pou akribos to bazo http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=55063.15
  13. C:\l2jfree gracia final\gameserver\data\html
  14. thelo na rotiso protou kano compile pernao ta java custom gt ekana compile me maven l2jfree kai anigo me to eclipse, oxi. to svn me kani edit kanonika opos to video. alla tou server ta file me ta dixni kinezika thelis nase doso ena min id kai pass na me diksis me TeamViewer
  15. [move]Custom Welcome[/move] lipon ama alaksete ta exp sp rate kai dite sto game den alaksane patiste mesa sto game //reload html
  16. Mhpos prepi na xrisimopiisoume thn teleftea version tou l2phx? apanta re file mafou ise online prospatho se gracia ct 2.4 na to xrisimopiiso
  17. C:\l2jfree gracia final\gameserver\config gmacces # If next switch set to true every character will have access level 200. EverybodyHasAdminRights = False=kanto true bes ise admin kanto false kane restart kai bump etimos
  18. meta trexi kanonika o server i stamatai gt merika pack bgazoune error alla den trexi tpt
  19. des sto apo ta config tis rithmisis gia na min ztai quest item
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