Hello do anyone know how to bypass these days protecion like: LameGuard and others GUard?
Somehow server is connected with client system (because without it you cant connect to server, and if you trying run phx on this system you get error) :okey:
Hello i want to bypass antiphx protection.
Here is server http://l2live.lt/
Here is server system: http://l2live.lt/files/system.rar
When you open l2.exe with phx, you login, accept license, select server and when entering to character selection screen you get DC.
http://trac.l2jfree.com/ for svn.
Anybody know how can i install database, because i get error when enter mysql adress, because of unicode...? can anybody upload database?
Hello if anybody could upload this server pack database:
L2JTW rev 1558.
I cant because dont have BIG5 unicode, so i get error when trying.
Hmm, how can program work if u dont add which server to attack (ip), how program let know what u want to attack, or its start working when u join the server???