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About Paul1991

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. do u have zaken's earring?
  2. as title. reply here with your offers :)
  3. den einai bug oute trick. An exeis "Enchanter" class se sub (sws/bd/wc) sto lvl 80 perneis skill "transform Divine Enchanter" Exeis reuse 4 wres.. kai exei san skills: POF/POWa/POWi/CoV kratane 2 lepta.. Mpaineis oly, perneis buffs apo npc, 10 seconds prin arxisei to match, kaneis transform se divine enchanter, perneis to prophecy pou epi8ymeis kai meta kaneis trasnform dispel (gia na gineis pali kanonikos).
  4. παιδια, εχω ακουσει οτι υπαρχει ενα bug που παιρνεις οσο fame θελεις, ακομα υπηρχε και στον retail. οποιος το ξερει ας το κανει share.
  5. low rates. -x5 5 times Storm Screamer -x7 4 times Cardinal High rates. countless :x
  6. se l2j ? douleuei se pvp servers toulaxiston?
  7. kilik pm me and share pls, i dont feel like spaming all topics to reach 500 posts....
  8. can you pm me the hidden post pls? i havent 500 posts and i dont really feel like spaming here :/ ty in advance :)
  9. doesnt work either way and its hard to use, all those scriipts
  10. 500 posts are kinda too much >.>
  11. work for the walker too! l2net is too hard for meh ;( or at least, when u fix l2net, post a guide in the thread too! regards! and thanks for the hard work!! =)
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