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Everything posted by gargamel2

  1. Noob question: Navicat, can u please tell us why this nwindow modification only enables l2tower to work but not l2w or l2net? Or is there something "else" involved, for not making it work for those programs? :P
  2. Great to know then :D Logic told me that it would be harder, since u would need to find a new way but since i have no idea how this stuff works, i will take ur word on it :P
  3. What if ... they just improve the one they have? Like, keeping the good of it and fixing the holes they have now? :| I'm a total noob at this things, just asking
  4. So conclusion is that this bypass works ONLY on windows xp and only for clockman's tower bot, correct? Is there anyway to improve it to work on win 7 also and possibly for l2w and l2net also?
  5. Odd, i'm using win 7 x64 and this program doesn't even starts for me, i double click it and nothing happens. And this happens while l2 is off. If i try to run it after i log to server, the game instantly crashes... and yes, i am using the modified nwindow.dll Any ideas? Or the nwindow.dll fix is for windows xp only? Edit: forgot to say, server is RPG ofc, i guess u figured it out by the use of nwindow.dll
  6. "L2walker works on RPG for sure but with Limited options..." Works for sure, meaning u didn't make it work yet, but will? And what exactly does 'limited' means? What will we be able to do with it and what not?
  7. I agree. Hiding it with the excuse of RPG admins not getting their hands on this files, is just flat out stupid.
  8. Actually, when he made the thread it was visible for all. A mod modified it to be hidden.
  9. i don't think l2r is working with the modified system.dll. Pretty sure those are just rumors...
  10. Had time to download it before being hidden :P Good share, but what if they update the antibot again now? Will it take so long again to crack it?
  11. So ... until u find a way to unpack their files, there is no way to get a working bot there? :( Do u expect this to happen any time soon? P.S. Happy New Years everybody!
  12. I know i am offtopic in this thread, but you seem like a nice, SMART guy so i would like to ask u this: could u pls take a look at rpg club protection also? :(
  13. Only rumors dude, sadly. Haven't seen any bots personally, but i keep hearing that this and this are working. Sadly, just words...
  14. Impossible, i don't believe it. Ppl just don't want to share :(
  15. Anything? Does anyone know for SURE of any working software?
  16. Any update from l2net? Nothing has been posted in a week about rpg on their forums.
  17. Yea i've read that. I've talked with some guys and conclusion atm is that this are just rumors. Nothing works atm, everyone still works on braking the protection. But being the end of the year hollydays, i guess we will have to wait until after they end to get into full speed at cracking this.
  18. Any news? I've heard l2net works, but no such info on l2net forums or here. Anyone knows anything?
  19. What admin? And what do u mean by "open and spread"? He knows how to break it but he doesn't want to share or what?
  20. I believe you are right. We need to wait for an update from mpj. I know he is very busy now, but maybe he can share his latest thoughts with us, on bypassing the protection.
  21. Well, it seems l2ranger works as some ppl say, but only for vip members. So the other programs should follow soon.
  22. If zranger would work, paid subscribers wouldn't cry on the zranger forums for fix and ppl ingame would notice antibackstab and lightning fast targeting. You would see cries on rpg forums if anyone would have it working.
  23. xaris, skills in gracia final have fixed cooldowns. They are no longer influenced by cast/attack speed. /ontopic This is a known bug, most players know about it. It was the same on retail gracia final. And i don't think it works with long cd skills. Only for those with short cd, like dagger attack skills. And it works only for the first time, then u have to wait some time without using the skill to work again. If u continue to use it, cd will work normally.
  24. I hope there will be MANY english speaking players, i don't want to hear cirilika after every fight. There's absolutely no reason why more ppl shouldn't join, it should provide some great fun until we go back to nolife mode on autumn (on new rpg x15)
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