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Everything posted by levy.

  1. Psule dn milaw gia ena aplo project einai Private project opote dn ksereis t exei mesa, alaksan olles oi logikes twn codes gia na ginoun auta balance.... Alaksan files k files gia na ginei auto ollo to prama olla + to extra module mesa gia ta DMG gia balance episeis, olla balanced tha einai 100% leptomeria dn febgei!
  2. Euxaristw, twra na se rwtisw kai palh :P http://www.giga-international.com/?show=vserver ta V server auto me ta 9.99E einai kalo? dld exei 1gbps? Mporei na sikwsei atoma mexri ws p na parw leuta na parw ena power deddi? Thelw gia enan TRELO kai kalo server na kanw, ta features ama s pw pws tha einai tha pliroseis gia na breis tetoiwn server :P haha Tespa an kai psaxnw kai TEAM GM's p na mporoun na helparoun, an episeis thelw kai na alaksw perioxes na tis kanw diaforetikes tha alaksw pramata uparxonta san ena new game as poume kai poio kainoureia pramata akoma pou eiparxoun se java kai m t exei pei DEV :) Pack den xriazete kserw na kanw monos m java codes ala apla lg help k apo DEV gia na mn kanw 1000 selides kodika monos m afou einai k ekeinos kanoume mazi.... O server tha einai Interlude + Balanced + 100% working skills + fixed all bugs... Kai NO CUSTOM p.x armors k tetoia, ean tha thela na balw customs tha ebaza telios dika m p tha eftoiaxna egw kai Balanced statistics, kai gia website palh kserw na kanw scripts tha exei mesa trelo prama to website, tha porothoun polla atoma giati einai o prwtos prwtotupos server p tha sxeuth na alaksei mesa ws custom oxi tis armor alla tis PERIOXES allwste oloi barethikame ta idia k ta idia, an kai tha prospathisw na edit ta chars me kalhtera grafika, san na leme new style Interlude, dn tha alaksoun skills ktlp apla tha ginei poio porotikos o server, kai tha ginoun genikos polles alages, pisteuw me ta liga logia p s eipa na ktlabeneis giati milaw, kai na ktlbes oti aksizei san idea....!
  3. Olla ta atoma einai k gamw ta paidia, egw apla sto mxc ekana mlkies k twra metaniwsa gia auta.... Pera apo auto oloi einai k gamw... Apla thelw na rwtisw kai akoma ena pragma tha sas eksigisw giati thelw mono apo 20PaySave se 15Paypal koitaxte edw: https://order.server4you.com/pages/vserver/ Einai empisth etaireia? Egw tharw pws nai, an kai den exw ksana plirwsei pote mou alla etsi pisteuw.... Peste m an einai an kapoios kserei an kapoios exei plirosei se auto to website, h kati exei akousei...... Elpoizw estw kapoios apo esas na kserei :)
  4. alo prama eipa.... dinw 20EURO PaySave gia na m dwsete 15 EURO sto paypal.......
  5. paidia thelw na mathw pws mporw na brw enan p na mporei na m metatrepsh apo PaySaveCard > PayPal thelw na agorasw ena deddicated, kai dn gnt me paysavecard, loipwn egw tha dosw 20Euro paysavecard kai ekeinos na m dwsei 15Euro sto paypal. Opoios mporei na t kanei pls add me sto msn: lifeowner@windowslive.com Euxaristw paidia! :)
  6. To computer m einai gtpk m fenete, ekana setup tn blakeia Java JDK 1.7.0 Istera t ekana olla swsta compile ola k me ola ta pack otan paw na kanw register hexid m kanei: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.util.MTRandom.next(MTRandom.java:349) at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source) at java.util.Random.nextBytes(Unknown Source) at net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd.nextBytes(Rnd.java:73) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.LoginServerThread.generateHex(LoginServerThread .java:451) at net.sf.l2j.gsregistering.GameServerRegister.main(GameServerRegister.j ava:115) Press any key to continue . . . m exei spasei ta neura! Den ftanei p exw na codarw tha exw kai thn -beep-IA apo panw!
  7. Exeis spasei pote trapeza gia na pareis leuta apo mesa? (Tha t eithela alla exe xarh p exoun sinargemo k kameres xD)
  8. This pack is very FAILED! Because they changed so much! How can i config the IP?? Where can i put the FCKNG Hexid? they are stupid's! They don't have a tutorial how to do those! Holishit!
  9. Opws o titlos, pws mporw na kanw otan enas xrisths mpenei sto forum na kanei REGISTER kai istera p na kanei, automata na exei kai sto l2, basika kserw ti na paizei sxetika me: MD5 conversion PSW k Hash, alla exw aporeia sxetika me to pws na sindesw ta tab apo mesa sths mysql tou l2, ekei p paei na kanei REG na exei ta textboxes to textbox1 input na paei sto Accounts t l2 mysql sto localhost k na psaxnei ean eiparxh username ekei, kai to textbox2 p einai hidden to text k einai password input, na anazith sta converted password me tn idia md5 (PX), k na mporei na kanei login o xrisths, ean auto mporei kapoios na me eksigish lgaki, na mpw lg sthn logikh sigoura tha mporesw na kanw istera k ta membergroups na antistixoun se 1 access lvl :) Opoios kserei reply.....
  10. axx0axa00xa0 kala dn pezeste etsi? poso kairo exete na toukou toukou gkomena re? 100 xrwnia? eleos re file eipame na blepoume, na gavlonoume, alla oxi k na eimaste youporn 24/24 re file, se ligo autoi tha tous kanoume BILL GATES eleoss opoios anoiksh tetoio web eimai sigouros paei gia top rich! a0x0axx0ax0aa! (To mono website p petixenh) <<<<< Zontanes apodikseis >>>>>
  11. Fixed! tha eithela na ftoiaksw ena paromoio programma me diafora oti tha einai poio eksipno kai poio pistiko twra arxizw na to ftoiaxnw ;) elpoizw na se elkisei!
  12. Eksipno alla dn einai toso xazoi oi alloi gia na pesoun thuma se auto edw to programma, egw tha ekana allo method gia na pisw ta atoma kai malista tha to eixa sto system mesa, prospathise kane ena kalhtero an kai tha ftoiaksw ena sintoma, kalh h idea sou o stealer. (Tha mporouses episeis na kaneis ena pseftiko programma to opoio otan to anoighs dn tha fenete alla tha klebh apo to "L2.Exe" ta password k to id kai na ta stelnh sto mail s), anyway kalo einai.
  13. S exw stilh ta stoixeia se pm, stoixeia p mporeis na me breis mesa se auta. Elpoizw na se kalhpsa se periptosh p oxi kane m pm.
  14. Geia sas, exw webhosting etaireia, kai tha xriastw kai esas san stiriksh gia emas, parakalw deite tn sobarwthta tou thematos einai anagaio dioth einai mia fthinh etaireia sxetika, kai dinoume (TRELA STATICS). Sxeutite oti exete mono me 60 euro Reseller account pou POULATE RESELLER ACCOUNTS ME UNLIMITED STATICS! Kai paei: Shared = 15 -> Ultimited statics, all ultimited features Reseller = 50euro -> Ultimited shared seller poulas shared accounts Master Reseller = 60 euro -> Poulas reseller kai shared accounts <! Free hosting space !> Xriazomaste opws kai dipote thn ipostiriksh sas, euxaristw pou diabasate to topic elpoizw na einai kala statics! www.goldhosted.com Aurio tha einai anoixto (eixame kapoia problimata kai anagastikame na kanoume perisotero to internet, kai aurio tharoume pws tha anoiksoume eputhxos!).
  15. Apla kai na mn xaseis ta arxeia kai olla, pata sto google.com VMWare download kai bres to katebaseto kane epishs search se torrent h se kapoia allh istoselida k bres ta xp p thes se .ISO arxeio istera kaneis new virtual machine kai to bazeis, einai enas tropos kalos tha elega ean theleis na exeis polla logismika alla kai ta arxeia sou, istera aneta mporeis na kaneis diaxirishs efkola kai grigora se oti logismiko theleis auto tha s lisei olla ta problimata pisteuw oute format oute tpt, an kai bebaia gia na to baleis mesa thes ena setup na ksereis apo format kapoia pragmata alla anyway rwta kapoiwn p na kserei na s balei to vmware k na s pei pws douleuh tharw pws tha einai to katalilo ergaleio. (PROSOXH!): Den mporeis na exeis ta panta se ena virtual opws: Open port servers etc..... kai alla pramatakia, an k pisteuw pws gia sena dn einai problima auto. Elpoizw na se help ligaki me to thema.
  16. Opws kai sto prwtotupo topic exw pei ta stoixeia mou,To mono pou exw na pw sxetika me to thema einai oti tha mporw na ftoiaksw kai database kathos exw ta katalhla programmata gia perisoteres pliroforeies prostheseme: skullcoders@msn.com se periptosh pou den se kalupth to mail m sthle e-mail h kane mou pm kai sthle mou to mail sou gia na oloklirothei ollo auto to thema. :)
  17. GRATZ! Very good share CriticalError You're good for a Client Dev you know good about textures and graphics too, but i wanna see your next shares like Custom Shield big Shield :P i like better items, anyway very good again! and thanks for share!
  18. La2LiberatOrs it is works only for vote in our server, it isn't server for now, and have crazy donations don't have stat the donator, and have low money the donations, are you sure for your character have 200E? because the server is only for fun! i have too character +20 2 weapons armor ++++++ and i will give it free xD go play packman it is better from server liberators lol!
  19. [GR] tote giati blekis emena mesa se auto re file?? ean sou efteksa se kati pes m eimai kalos an8ropos me olous osous kserw kai exw apodikseis egw leech apo mxc ekana palia kai ktlba oti htan mia "Blak*" mou, plewn oti mporw to kanw me dikes mou gnwseis bebaia ta threads sto forum einai C/P alla ta rules k auta den einai ta threads apo allou allo forum pou eida oti exei polla kai o monos logo einai: poio grigora ta threads epidh mou eixan diagrapsh ta threads apo to palio forum/ kai ta aglika mou einai iperbolika xalia, bebaia argotera 8a ta dior8osw alla prostoparwn na boleutw. Oti lew to lew ilikrina oti kanw exw ma8ei na milw ilikrina, kai koitakse thn epomenh fora na koitas kalhtera tous leechers kai na koitas an idh exoun ginei ban. Signwmh pou isos se kapoia simeia se onomasa "Ilithi*" alla eixa kapoia ptosh dikeosinhs, ean 8eleis se exw kanei add sto msn na milisoume apo msn na deis san ti soi atomo eimai. [EN] Anyway sorry for my bad english also sorry for "GR" tag, someone moderator lock it the probleam i thing done.
  20. listen to, i' m not join never to this site oO i have own forum, and i' m join only to here and to mine other forums for me are stupid, and this forum never see it again but i thing you're this member and you register it for banned me in our forum, anyway i don't care this i have said, and if don't beliveath me to i don't care, i have say one more do not never create "Stupid posts / reports" for talk another member are leecher if you don't find if are him.
  21. are you stupid???? this forum aren't mine this is mine: http://www.skullcoders.com and reseted. You're so stupid i' m sorry but you are. a G.Mod Lock thread it is so Crazy post and report to.
  22. its classic method :( you need more about DDOS i can create one better than dragon/serk and this like CRASHING 4 ever crashing can get access remote file and in automatically can del files like all files or crash files from the server l2, web etc ;) anyway good work man! Keep it UP!
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