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Everything posted by amith

  1. wat about the community .......? and comunity frendlyness ;)
  2. nice man ;) nice share
  3. nice share can u help me in adapting some IL wepon to ct2.4 plz if u have time that is :) i tested it its coool man hear is the sc
  4. can any one adapt it to ct2.4 please any one i tryed my self but getting error while decripting it
  5. cool share brow a car i dont belive it
  6. can any one please willingly help me to adapt the Epic infinity wepon [iL] to ct2.4 plzz it would be very helpfull from hear http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=116204.0
  7. I Uesd to play super mario the best console games :P
  8. thanks for the share
  9. im realy sorry for it .. good evening ppl :)
  10. hellow and welcome ;)
  11. cool armor man i have testes her a look at ork :D
  12. 0y0y0y0y0 spma spam :P :P
  13. thanks for the guid this wat i was looking for
  14. nice share man is it have all wepon or only duals and poles?
  15. dose it work for ct2.4 ???? any one checked?
  16. its working hear is sc form my server :D
  17. thanks i will try it :) thanks for help :D
  18. u mean type the all values inside sql r8?
  19. nice share but i have a problem when i excute the sql file can u help me wat to do? or any one? hear is the sc http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx247/amith600/Untitled.png
  20. Nice share and i added hero glow to ur wepon :D but when i enchant it the colour of wepon dosent change can u suggest me wat to do? her is the screens sward http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx247/amith600/sward.jpg fist http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx247/amith600/fist.jpg bow http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx247/amith600/bow.jpg and 2handed sward http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx247/amith600/2hdswad.jpg tell me is it good or normal one is better :P
  21. hellow guys :D the longest spam section i ever seen lol
  22. can any one tell me how to take screen shots of ur desktops ... because i have one error and i wanted to take a shot of it and post it so than i can get help can any one suggest how to take it? screen shotes ie.
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