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Everything posted by HaxFixer

  1. wow thats proper awesome :d btw can you share armors too?:) that would be pretty cool:D
  2. from my point of view this topic is usless because if u re good player u would know that alrdy from ur own experience btw u have drop calculators where u write what lvl of mobs are u looking for and see if there is some good items(spoil/drop). any way for areas 75+ put MOS top rooms, Pagans Temple, Fog etc etc. :)
  3. from my point of view l2w is easy to setup and run the bot but scipting is quiet limited in commands and also l2w have very often problem with moving and attacking mobs. like in fog were is many walls and very often stuck which causes bots die. another thing i discovered that the options of pathpoint is a bit dissapoining because the bot is not moving with the red line between the circules. about l2n i cant say much because i haven't used it for a long time but the setuping it is more difficult and making scripts is just an horror:D
  4. that is just spam you posted here when the link is not working and claiming that works for you great.... Please Reupload this cheat
  5. wow awesome website, nice share
  6. welcome
  7. second one is cool :) thanks for share, but i don't thing so that it's urs :)
  8. Hello my name is Bart and i'd like to stay with maxcheaters for longer. I'm just starting new l2 server project however i have non of skills like java developer etc but i'm guy who learn quick. Soo HI
  9. you can easy find it in [share] Lineage II Develop [L2J Server] section here is the one random share http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61173.0 I havent checked if link to share work
  10. woow easy to say harder to do for sm1 who just started with servers and 0 knowledge how to repeir things but i'm learning quick :)
  11. thanks for that share i was looking for it long time ago :) Thanks again :)
  12. Ok i solved this problem by editing Elixir of menthal strenght, mby later i will found out how to repeir it propely thanks anyway :) @please Close this topic
  13. np but i want to make hb server on l2j files cuz its easier :) @TOPIC I'm still waiting for more replies
  14. hellbound as i said before
  15. i meant that i cant turn ON mana potions
  16. I have CT1.5 Hellbound and i cant find defult option in properties because it is not there so i changed Pollens functions but it still dont work as it should. So please tell me how could i repeir it.(i already checked 9008... skills)
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