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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Necro 48 - Fully Equiped Shilien Elder 46 - Fully Equipped adena on both is around 12kk and they got worth of 30kk gear + they got alot of event currency selling both as a package deal Good names never botted add skype: kenneth161180
  2. I got on my Arcane monk 50k Hp 650 All Res , 35K Dps 40,5 Crt chance and 280% Crt dmg and i can farm act 3 few tips on Monk : 1 Stack only 1 resist (+all res on same item) Dont stand in Molten , Plagued , Desecrator , Fire Chains you will need to kite thoose round a bit. Your Build in very important this is mine : http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/monk#aiYXgk!ZXU!accbYa <-- This is the Dps Build if u cant survive u might wanna swap Conviction Mantra with Evasion (Hard Target rune) When using this build u will need a Fast Off hand (btw im Dual Wielding) Fastest would be a Dark Dagger with crt dmg + socket + dex (mine got 680 Dps , 87% Crt DMG , Socket 70% Crt dmg , 80 Dex , 80 Vit. Its is your off hand who will procc and Produce Cyclones , So a high Crt chance is more important then Crt dmg on items!!! more crits = more cyclones! Secondly , LoH is nice , but NOT a Must have stat , below 40k Dps its fine but u will still kite thoose packs ! So i went Pure Dps to kill them faster when my serenity is on.
  3. selling aio buffer pm me
  4. could u maybe write the price u tought off so ppl dont have to add ppls msns for nothing
  5. added my msn
  6. whats the prices for characters? 70+ plains walker
  7. why put the post count that high , its like every player knows this? Farming AA is easy been there done that next?
  8. whats the price for the jewels all of them together
  9. Aio still for sale :) bump!
  10. preferebly paypal , but i can do bank transfers also , i just wont give info before i got the transfer verified
  11. im selling a donators aio buffer on the new vendetta pm me if interrested
  12. As title says im selling a donators aio buffer on l2vendetta , normal price is 80$ ill sell the buffer cheaper for 60$ im gonna move to another server with some friends give me a pm here or add my msn : pninf@ofir.dk tnx /Sin
  13. the register function is down it seems so what to do?
  14. seems to me like your verifier is wrong..
  15. as title says im requesting a bot for this server c4 with c5 skills http://www.l2-khadia.com/ PM me plz ty :)
  16. Hi im seeking bot for IG + OOG walker for l2-khadia
  17. whats the status on heaven?
  18. well i play on frozen and it works very good , server isnt going down often , so my bots are going 24/7 , BUT id like to get IG walker connected and working, i heard somewhere that if u get OOg working then its np to get IG working , but again im a walker noob regarding tcp tunneling tokens etc , so if someone could helo my ass , then ill be very happy /Sin
  19. well pretty useless indeed , if you have high lvl chars then fuck them trials
  20. works like a charm , how do i connect so i can use IG walker ??
  21. ehm how do i ge tthis to work in forever , i cant find my executable file when trying to load IG
  22. hi at title says looking for highrate with working olympiad
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