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Everything posted by Sin

  1. yea they implemented the old 1.0 gve setup on kain server , which makes it lag like hell , it seems that it spikes alot sometimes and then sometimes it runs smoothly
  2. They changed it back to c5 with c6 dino island , due to alot of criticals errors , but its still a decent server come play pm me : Deadly
  3. still havent found out but the server is retarded , no pvp just pve
  4. it seems its a netcafe based server that goes down every night at 01.00 gmt+1 but ye well gms are stupid
  5. yes logged in last night
  6. no i dont got the gemstone A code i wish tho but im still searching ;)
  7. nvm im on it name: Punishment server rocks ;D , they got this system where hero weapons can be enchanted if u got 10mill a gemstones obtained by haunting at special zone mobs drop 20k pr mob , hlapex ftw punch in the code for a gemstones hit auto and just wait :)
  8. auto acc create or what?
  9. well changing/wiping youll always loose ppl no matter what , changin it back to popular demand server is a chance to take maybe youll get ppl back maybe u wont since they prolly established themselfs at another server , we will see
  10. nah fuck that wont download 600megs
  11. i cant read spanish or whatever that is , can someone create me an acc plz ?
  12. u need to update to interlude first to play on it?=
  13. its 1 server out of 3 thats going back to version 1.0 , and tbh that was way more fun that 2.0 2 servers are still 2.0
  14. sry sess ;) yes it aint Hlapex friendly so thats good ;)
  15. Hi i know this server has been posted once or twice , but ill make a new topic again about this unique server! www.l2GoodvsEvil.net <-- Homepage This server is unique in its own way , there are 3 factions (Heroes / Fallen angels / Demons ) theese factions fight eachother to conquer/capture castles/towns , pvp kills are rewarded with adena and enchants Features: Npc Buffer: U can buff all buffs , with a Gold coin every player gets from lvl 1! Obtain adena and enchants from kills/pvp on other players B and A grade equipment in npc shops! Best pvper from each faction are rewarded with Hero glow! Npc pvp event each 3 hour , win to get tokens to buy sgrade! Join now to participate in the most extreme pvp , l2 private servers has ever seen ! Regards Sin
  16. OK selling this account for 50 dollars / or items at good vs evil server
  17. got my acc so close this plz :)
  18. at title says if anyone got any items there plz pm me :)
  19. trading for a hero char at a decent private server pm me
  20. i know that the digital life server isnt protected at all ( all codes work ! ) they changed the name to pvp for your life. But that server is laggy as fuck , so i wanna know if anyone know of any serverwhere some codes work plz post here ty
  21. As title say i WTS lvl 68 PW on franz the char is a female and it comes stripped, acc also has a male Rogue lvl 43 on it , i only want the cash since im returning to private servers again price : 80 $ pm me here fast deals will incl some gear
  22. i can hook you up with chars from any server u want add my msn : pninf@ofir.dk
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