Hi i know this server has been posted once or twice , but ill make a new topic again about this unique server!
www.l2GoodvsEvil.net <-- Homepage
This server is unique in its own way , there are 3 factions (Heroes / Fallen angels / Demons ) theese factions fight eachother to conquer/capture castles/towns , pvp kills are rewarded with adena and enchants
Npc Buffer: U can buff all buffs , with a Gold coin every player gets from lvl 1!
Obtain adena and enchants from kills/pvp on other players
B and A grade equipment in npc shops!
Best pvper from each faction are rewarded with Hero glow!
Npc pvp event each 3 hour , win to get tokens to buy sgrade!
Join now to participate in the most extreme pvp , l2 private servers has ever seen !
Regards Sin