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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Come on guys join the server im feelings fucking lonely :P
  2. and ip is the only thing i need i dont need port ? if so how do i find that ? sry for me being a noob
  3. Does this work on galaxyl2? i cant pass the damn file size error hmm , do i have to put in ips? and if so how do i get the ip og my server?
  4. so this works on interlude priv servers?
  5. http://rapidshare.com/files/82122601/L2confidential_Patch_v1.3.exe.html <--- this is the link for their patch which was updated today i hope someone can help me
  6. it works yes or no?
  7. Need to ask for Walker for this server http://www.l2confidential.com if anyone know how to ig AND oog WALKER PLZ PM ME
  8. Hi as title says looking for new no donations server , and not l2confidential throw me a pm if you know any
  10. Hi i got a little problem with getting IGwalker working for L2Vendetta , got Oog working but cant friggin get ig walker to work can someone link to a working walker for Vendetta or tell me how to get it to work tnx in advance /sin
  11. Well it says file size error wheni try to start ig walker , how can i pass this?
  12. Btw got Oog working can someone help me get IG working?
  13. anyone got it working or what?=
  14. never ever trust ppl with a low post count
  15. can login with it now , but when im ingame and open ig menu it hasnt verified how can i get it to verify ?
  16. why do i get l2.exe file error ? must i point walker to l2gold exe ?
  17. hi can someone post a working IG walker for l2gold?
  18. as title says looking for igw and oog walker for roxy server if anyone has plz share ;)
  19. echo sucks gve is waay better if u got to play on thoose servers
  20. again i ask can anyone confirm that A gemstones dont work with hlapex anymore on almighty?
  21. bah did they remove the gemstone a ? i cant use apex to get them can someone confirm this?
  22. well this guy only used drac light (human sagi) without any shield and it said i was doing 11kish damage to him ( +50 drac focus Ghost sentinel +4str full buffed etc) i hit him like 20-30 times he didnt die so yeahh gay i gave up on that server , its a shame cuz its lag free
  23. well played its decent no lag , but seriously some guys are running around critting others for 47k dam(cheat) + i crit a guy 20 times for 11k each time he didnt die (l2monster ftw)
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