The server is online 99%
We have worked with very effort in order to we make server as long as possible without errors.
The moment where you will play in server our you will see that has become hard work and has made a lot of things in order to is the game easiest for you.
With the skills we made a lot of corrections we have worked enough in this piece..
We can say that we achieved the 98% skills it works irreproachably.
As long as it concerns the protection server we have taken our metres and we have reached in the point to cover the 99% from attacks.
We have made balance server between the players in order to you have a satisfactory result.
[XP-45] [sP-45] [PET-30] [PARTY-1.5]
[ADENA-200] [DROP-4] [sPOIL-4]
*Allowed Dual Box.
*Skills Fix 98%.
*Balance Class 98%.
*GrandBoss retail like.
*Castle - Siege retail like.
*100% Drop Adena & Medals.
*Augmentation skills retail like.
*Trade system work retail like.
*1 Hour & 30 Minites Buffs Time.
*Auto Create Account.
*Auto Loot.
*Auto Learn Skills.
*Free Teleport.
*Change Class 20,40,76 & Price.
*SubClass (Without Quest).
*Max SubClass 3.
*Player Spawn Protection.
*Announce Castle Lords.
*unstuck 60 sec. (/unstuck).
*Offline Trader.
*Announce To All SpawnRb.
*Player Protection Level 39.
*Show Npc Crest.
*PvP & PK Color System.
*PvP & PK System Reward.
*Reward Protect 60 sec.
*Protect Player Flag Teleport.
*Announce PvP & PK Kills.
*Protect Soe Flag Player.
*Character Repair (.repair).
*Social Say Actions (hi,lol etc).
*Automatic Vote Reward System.
*Armor & Weapon Dynasty Balance.
*Safe Enchanter.
*Boss Status.
*PvP PK Manager.
*Changer Password.
*GrandBoss Info.
*Wedding Manager.
*Trader Manager.
*Donate Manager.
Tattoo of Flame: +10% P. Defense.
Tattoo of Blood: +10% M. Attack
Tattoo of Absolute: +10% P. Attack
Tattoo of Pledge: +10% M. Def.
*Safe Enchant +3
*Max Enchant +20 Armor & Weapon
*Max Enchant +16 Jewels.
*Normal Scroll 68%.
*Blessed Scroll 75%.
*Crystal Scroll 80%.
-----------------------PC Bang Event------------------
Every 5 minutes Price (5 Pc Bang Point)
-----------------------MEDAL Event------------------
Price (1~4 Event Medal---1~3 Event Glittering Medal)
All Time Drop Mobs (70% Event Medal - 30% Event Glittering Medal)
-----------------------TvT Event------------------
Price (50 RuinsLigthCoin)
Time (02:00-05:00-09:00-14:00-17:00-21:00)
-----------------------DM Event------------------
Price (25 RuinsHardCoin)
Time (03:00-06:00-10:00-15:00-18:00-22:00)
-----------------------CTF Event------------------
Price (25 RuinsHardCoin)
Time (01:00-04:00-08:00-16:00-16:00-20:00)
*Olympiad 100% retail like.
*Start [18:00] End [24:00] [GMT+2]
*Classed Participants 4.
*Oly period 2 Week.
*Anti ddos.
*Anti Bot.
*Anti L2Phx.
*Anti Hlapex.
*Anti L2Walker.
*Full Flood Protect.
*Full Geodata & Pathnode.
*Unknown Packet Protection.
*Anti Farm Ip.
*Anti Dual Box Olympiad.
*Anti Dual Box Events.
*Enchant Protection.
*Food Packets Protections.
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