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Everything posted by l2support

  1. Thanks for share.. :)
  2. Great share. :) thanks
  3. amazing colors. :) thanks for share
  4. not bad work. but this is already shared to max.
  5. first c6 next update to gracia. now freya. nothing gooood. create new wings.
  6. I think amazing work. i test it and update. anyway thanks for share :)
  7. nice share. I test and working fine. +5
  8. Lelouch, Serveri galima sukurti. ;]
  9. Inside: Cutephp TVS / Online script / Register and change password scripts. Slide show two logos. Top players script + All PSD Website price: 20 Euro. if you want, you can buy domain l2forest.com from me. + 10 Euro. Preview: More templates: http://l2support.lt/papildomas_sk/parduotuve/ Contacts:E-MAIL: Laurynas.lunskis@gmail.com
  10. Great work. Working fine :)
  11. ImmortalKiller, yes. This is old my work.
  12. hi,Share my two works. First, I create lineage II html website: Download here: l2support.lt.rar - 799.4 Kb Second work is index.html page. I add buttons .PSD if you want, you can change text. eg. Language names, server names or other.. http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/3492/bepavadinimoj.png[/img] Download here: Choose_server_script.rar - 179.8 Kb Html new. My old work Download: Event-v15.rar - 1.0 Mb All credits to me: MRED / L2SUPPORT.LT 8)
  13. Amazing npc.great work.
  14. perfect shields. Great job. test it
  15. Sell websites full coding and amazing design. And very small price! all vebsites created me: Mred / l2support.lt example: http://l2support.lt/papildomas_sk/parduotuve/ cotacts: laurynas.lunskis(-eta)gmail.com or skype: dj.lauris16
  16. all screnshots inside rar folder.
  17. Not bad. but this is html or php template/ tvs?
  18. not bad work. Working fine. thanks for share this modification.
  19. About Us Lithuanian House online music station HouseBox. Official opening March 1, 2009-ing day. We promise a lot of music and so much more in a good mood. From 2008 (Intermittent) HouseBox "became" undergroundine "radio station. Currently, HouseBox "you can listen to online broadcasts, 24 hours a day, around the world. Radio make young people spread the good taste of music and energy. "HouseBox" not just play house music, but also special shows will present a different genre of music. "HouseBox" radio - open to students and schoolchildren, and senelėms and grandparents, so that looks interesting ideas and proposals to cooperate in order to become even more attractive and interesting to the audience. www.hbradio.lt
  20. This website crated me. Please administrator delete this topic!
  21. Wheres the problem?
  22. wheres the problem ?
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