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Everything posted by TheMpouri®™

  1. Μα ποιος ο λόγος να το βγάλεις; Αυτοί κάνουν τόση δουλειά για να το έχεις εσύ τζάμπα αρκεί να έχει 4 lines στο start-up και εσύ θες και να το βγάλεις κιόλας. Δεν εκτιμάτε τίποτα ε;
  2. Come on dude! Its already posted! Just edit your main thread! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127173.0
  3. Well my friend has 24mb/s and i have 8mb/s but we have the same upload speed!
  4. Well i had lost the topic and i had to search all my posts to find it so i was waiting someone to post so i can find it at Show new replies to your posts.! Thanks both LauQ and SoFaKi i fixed it.
  5. Ah thanks dude i really appreciate that!
  6. Thanks dude downloading! But in the forum i had saw Gold Freya weapons but i cant find them damn!
  7. Ακολούθησε java turotials και μάθε σιγά σιγά την java μετά θα βρεις μόνο σου τα υπόλοιπα :D
  8. x75? Hmm nice iwill try since i like the rates!
  9. Well it is a bit borring but at the start it was good!
  10. Guys does the images work to you? Because i see them like they are broken!
  11. Τι - ποιο java program?
  12. Kamaels got a barrier that lasts for 4 minutes and reuse delay 8! That barrier paralyze you when you hit the kamael it is like 99% chance!
  13. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <augmentation id="14561"> <!-- Active: Temporarily increases the size of your head. --> <skillId val="3203" /> <!-- Item Skill: Mystery Skill: Active: Increases your head size. --> <skillLevel val="1" /> <type val="blue" /> </augmentation> <augmentation id="14562"> <!-- Active: Temporarily increases your lung capacity. --> <skillId val="3143" /> <!-- Item Skill: Kiss of Eva: Active: Increases Lung Capacity temporarily. --> <skillLevel val="1" /> <type val="blue" /> </augmentation>
  14. Είσαι λάθος λέει και τα name και τα info!
  15. Go Its one year old topic!
  16. It is nice and i was also used at L2J Energy Net (but they had a fat guy xD)
  17. Δες εδώ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=125565.0
  18. Assasin's Creed was nice so propably the second will be much more better, right guys?
  19. Gracia 3? LoL Harbingers of War - Chronicle 1 Age of Splendor - Chronicle 2 Rise of Darkness - Chronicle 3 Scions of Destiny - Chronicle 4 Oath of Blood - Chronicle 5 Interlude - Chronicle 6 Kamael - Chaotic Throne 1 Hellbound - Chaotic Throne 1.5 Gracia Part 1 -Chaotic Throne 2.1 Gracia Part 2 - Chaotic Throne 2.2 Gracia Final - Chaotic Throne 2.3 Epilogue - Chaotic Throne 2.4 - Αυτό έχουμε τώρα Freya - Chaotic Throne (unknown) - Αυτό θα είναι το τελευταίο Update του Lineage II λένε
  20. Πάτα //announcement_menu και δες τι θες να κάνεις delete από εκεί!
  21. Currently there isn't any preconfigured pack with the things that you want.
  22. Yes, you are right....
  23. Windows 7 Ultimate edition is really good!
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