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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. delete ur cookies and try again
  2. Do you think she will be at school?
  3. Βλέπεις να έχει μέλλον το ζήτημα;
  4. ΧenZhao_commando is the new skin? so i guess u have to change into XenZhao.skn
  5. //spawn GrisoM
  6. So many ppl were disturbed...they lost money to find her...someone put her boundy for 50,000$ She will be punished,but i don't know for how much
  7. did u rename the skin px from XinYaogreen.skn to XinYao.skn(the original) ?
  8. ofcourse skins will be locked...lol Just instead of showing ur clasic skin it shows the new one
  9. +5k +bank+spam power maybe they will be more if much time to find the best ;D
  10. Since pwnz0r isn't using BANNED AVATAR,why he is banned?
  11. better //spawn ExtremeDwarf http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=otherkarma;u=23553 U care jajaja
  12. Πιστευω πως το ελληνικο section ειναι τελειως ασχετο,μονο στο αγγλικο μπορεις να βρεις καποια χρησιμα πραγματα μονο το sticky how to make an L2Off αξιζει
  13. fack it i don't it anymore,another time 2.5k adena sent to akido
  14. ban ban ban ban or ban ban ban ban ban ban? The funny thing is that he is doing it on a MOD
  15. yeah...can we expect more classes?
  16. i can login normally with Proxy...that mustn't be the problem(never had this kind of message)
  17. Κανεις δεν το παραταει,απλα περναει τον χρονο του....
  18. He is IP banned...
  19. Μην νομιζεις ,μπορει να βαρεθεις το DotA(οπως εκανα εγω τωρα) Βεβαια,LOL μονο για πλακα,στο DotA δεν εχω συμπαικτες τωρα(+ το σπαστικο MH)
  20. but it will be like... anyway,i will make a stealth assasin(Dagger i guess)so hope they are OP
  21. anyway,i wanna see Traxex HD donot mess up my dream :o
  22. Θα κανουμε 500+ reply με συνδυασμους; ::)
  23. Ελα τωρα,υπαρχουν πανω απο 500 συνδυασμοι στο Dota:/
  24. Will propably try it,it sure looks amazing
  25. ... btw Seth all legendarys have ur privs?
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