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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=177178.0;topicseen to previews private servers
  2. that's something other but the sure is,he can't do anything just with mxc help,too many bugs
  3. Για ακομα μια φορα αποδυκνυομαι σωστος!χδ!
  4. man archid is not going to get any improvement and since you don't know many things about java,i suggest you buy a ready pack(find one here px)or compile a Gracia Epilogue from L2jFree/L2jServer
  5. χωρις compile σε καθε bug που θα βρισκεις μετα δεν μπορεις να κανεις απολυτως τιποτα
  6. fck english section but,not only you everyone sees u hit A LOT quicker,also the results are way more(more hits)
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=162867.0 <3 also xaxaxaxaxa,sure
  8. loled at the trick you just make the other take pk...retarted an archer or dagger can pwn the other aswell as long as he has karma
  9. Cause it will be moved to GR section (or j/k) i will speak GR Φιλε,ειναι ΤΕΛΕΙΟΣ αχρηστο μην μπενετε σε home-made server γιατι μετα βλεπετε αυτα τα bug και ερχεστε και τα ποσταρετε εδω σε ΟΛΟΥΣ τους σοβαρους σερβερ(λεμε τωρα-μιλαω για γυρω στο 99%)δεν πιανει αυτο
  10. I think i can get FIFA 2011 by warez....if not i will sure buy it...this years choose is FIFA and not PES but i wanna test PES too,the greek commentary
  11. btw i didn't tried FIFA 2010 SOUTH AFRICA(cause i knew fifa10 sucks) but i am very excited with this FIFA,and the ONLY BUT ONLY reason to buy/play PES is greek speakers
  12. + xaxa btw + greek in english section
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=175436.0;msg=1370088 2 wrong section,i think 1st time got a warning
  14. really i was playing Fifa up to 2005,which was good until FIFA 2011 the true is that the Fifa series sucked more than suck itself but this time,playing fifa i rly enjoy it,while PES sucks(at least at demo) i don't know what else fixes to see on fifa,many things were good but i am sure waiting for official release of PES2011,to get full opinion
  15. εγω ειμαι μπρατσαρας πιστευω μπορω να τον σηκωσω
  16. now the hope of 10yo child that he can fυck everyone via hacks has gone :/
  17. yes it is
  18. how an sps dies from a dagger?rofl
  19. and hidden for 250 posts gj you failed
  20. let's ban you
  21. tell us a good reason
  22. people on? also consider czechgamers.net
  23. gtfo with ur c/p shares,if something isn't yours just don't post it we can see it by typing google,the exact same thing
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