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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. before some minutes they IP/Hostname/4 acc banned me they are very happy now,i guess CryForum.tk
  2. I am waiting now for Crystalin come and cry
  3. in the air it was funny
  4. MxC Lags-GrisoM on Fire!
  5. let's do it ::) u didn't got my point and u and GP are who crying
  6. wow he banned him before it was posted T.T
  7. when grisom bans him he will be 10-1 anyway,you can't stand w/o me you kicked me out of GP(u think so)and then u come here again to cry?
  8. he is betta than someone others
  9. You face me as a tard-i am a tard w/e u want!
  10. this time i am crying really! from laugh!!
  11. It's an internet priv to not post ur photos cause they can be used in many ways now GP go cry cry cry
  12. why u care?
  13. oh no XAXAXAXAXA
  14. he was farting in the while (?) btw i started laughing at description(before photo) after photo i couldn't stop xaxaxaxaxa
  15. just amazing!
  16. let's see...
  17. rly thank you,shitlude is gonna be more shitlude now ::)
  18. Την πρωτη σελιδα απο latest post του ειδα και καταλαβα γιατι ειναι banned
  19. why u did it ? and how?
  20. btw ενας καλος σερβερ δεν φαινεται απο τα ατομα online μονο και απο τα votes και χ55 με vitality ειναι high
  21. Mα γιατι,αφτοι οι server αξιζουν Εκεινο ηταν μαλακια του GM
  22. Σιγα μην πω fail server i found bug θα κατσω και θα γαμαω τους παντες μεχρι να το φιξ
  23. Θετικο του L2 Κανεις εναν OP CHAR και γαμας τα παντα(βλεπε Dagger) Αρνητικο Τα 10χρονα ξενερωνουν και πανε κλαινε
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