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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Ενας φοινικας παντου υπαρχει!
  2. anything with this?;O avatar for grisom?
  3. yes,but now i see i have only face damn it
  4. i have HQ image full,don't worry
  5. !!
  6. THIS IS OK -caps ?
  7. btw i think i want an sign with the girl in my avatar
  8. thumbs up yo!! isemagkas yoyo
  9. o Ονειροπολος νανος Extremedwarf γιατι θα εχει φαση ρε
  10. i gave it up for 10 seconds and then removed it lol
  11. Mxc Exploit section,nothing more
  12. GrisoM 22:07:28 Viewing the topic [GR] Official Spam Topic.. what the...?
  13. or post gay pictures in his profile i don't either
  14. Εγω λεω εκει που εχεις Kαρλ να βαλεις ExtremeDwarf να ταιριαζει!
  15. nah ,sinaya doesn't need ban
  16. i am talking about Gaming-p forum anyway,Sinaya needs a ban too? hey rules are rules but 1 topics is ok 2 topic maybe ok 3 or more it's in purpose,destroy them
  17. are u going to hack GP? btw,i see only one basically leeching from there,Chucky didn't leeched something,but anyway
  18. ehm,i wasn't active here ><
  19. hey,that means i am making history here? yesssssssssssssss
  20. loled Chucky...
  21. yes not rly xd
  22. the one hitted by banhammer twice
  23. Yhn chakar says u are the bastard,not him ^^
  24. why u care? who the fck are u
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