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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. τι να διαβασεις μωρε;
  2. Εδω ειμαστε PC users Ντροπη σου να ποσταρεις τετοια πραγματα
  3. cancer when playing vs diamonds/platinums is the same shit
  4. Αρνητικο; Οτι ενα apple κανει τουλαχιστον 2 φορες οσο ενα Samsung, ενω μπορει να σου δωσει ιδια ή και λιγοτερα (νταξει αναλογα το τι το θες) απο το αντιστοιχο της Samsung
  5. Πανω απο 10 την προηγουμενη βδομαδα.
  6. Reptant_


    Ωραιο αυτο :)
  7. Ναι γιατι εχουν γαμηθει στους ελεγχους πανω στην Θεσ/νικη. Μηνιαιο 15 ευρω, ετσι και αλλιως συμφερει, ποιος τους γαμαει
  8. yeap,and they are also easier than golems
  9. we can do it we'll see tommorow i wanna get carried i am bored of real tryharding this period :P
  10. can you boost my acc at west pls? it has all supports and runes
  11. Θελω 'Ποιοι ειμαστε' απο τον Devon Σιγουρα πολυ πολυ πιο ενδιαφερον απο αυτο
  12. can't you go to SMF forum and find out the reason?
  13. But they should reduce the decay from 4 weeks>2 weeks(and reduce the LP loss to half) so people dont camp there anyway :P
  14. you have to use your W to your target now So you have to waste energy in the start of engaging :D but you can always assassinate people and go back easily without wasting energy
  15. maybe you lost vs unfair enemies or won vs higher MMR people or system bugged(it cant always give perfect numbers)
  16. It's just calculating based on your MMR missing , and the average MMR u get per match. If you have like 2100 MMR and you need 2200, and you have 60 LP already at Plat1, you need 5 matches(for example) so it gives you 40/5=8 LP but the MMR gain isn't standard so that changes all the time
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5hhayV02VI
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