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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. obvious :)
  2. for what
  3. you didn't also tell this concern something about mxc and it isn't just a cyber sex party with grisom...
  4. it can't fall it's damn pinned
  5. so,where will be the fun,lulz
  6. i can see j/k,that's why it's ok
  7. fixed(cause if junkyard then it's all fine lol)
  8. What happens will be deleted afterwards or i will be able to see what happened tommorow?
  9. cause i am not gonna be online tell me now if i tell anyone something,ban me
  10. no fraps it sucks+many mbs i want screenshots k?
  11. Windows Live ειναι 2009 ειναι μια χαρα
  12. Γιατι τα blessed να ειναι παραπανω απο τα κανονικα; btw about buffs:24 buffs(2 σειρες)+12 dance/song και να ξερεις,αν εχεις enchant rate πανω απο 66% θα κανουν +16 απο το πολυ την 2η βδομαδα
  13. so the contest must be finished? let's count the votes xd
  14. go at windows uninstaller(via control panel) this should be easy(find it) i agree it sucks lol
  15. xexe αν το ψαξεις,ειναι ωραιο και καθως ολοι χρησιμοποιουν l2j freya.. .nc^^
  16. and how he will gain report posts by that?lol
  17. XAXAXAXAXAXA not safe 3 max απειρο rate 50% (normal blessed)
  18. check betta this,pls
  19. ι forgot too,i am gonna make a topic right now welcome ;d
  20. he updated with a Preconf FORK again! l2jdev rules Preconfigured packs with bad/zero-securitys and with the only advantage of some really easy to be installed NPC's/Customs will be deleted to prevent any bad/zero-protected house made server. so he shares and everyone is making a server by a preconf yeah^^
  21. it's still the same he can give them a LINK to svn or link to projects(coyote's topic) NOT preconf there is a rule,but more it's to avoid stupid topics offtopics
  22. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182802.0;topicseen req exploits gr
  23. xaxa no
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