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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. you will let a l2jteon pack in forum?and mostly in a guide how to open a server? the rules where set to don't see many servers with prepack+forks this is exactly what we DONT want
  2. people on at x5000?
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182751.0;topicseen warez
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174794.0 let's see it's a guide how to open an l2 server,and he shares in it L2JTEON PRECONF(2 in 1) junk(or change that link,but it's somehow useless we have many many guides like that)
  5. i knew that l2java sucks,but not that much roflmao
  6. about this theme,no
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182741.0;topicseen req private server
  8. btw today is national day in Greece it is raining outside..we have a parade and Q_Q
  9. he was watching Dora the explorer jeez ....
  10. Σαν δεν ντρεπεται..δηλαδη επειδη ειναι L2 Moderator να ειναι εξουσια και να κανει lock προτεινω να τον κανεις ρεπορτ/demote/ban επειδη σου εκανε lock το topic
  11. no school again lol from the 5 days we are missing the 2 lol (my little bro waked me up lol..)
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=75931;sa=showPosts Καποιος πρεπει να τον κανει να σκασει φαινεται οτι εχει κομπλεξ μαζι μου εγω δεν εχω προβλημα να του απανταω , αλλα καποια στιγμη θα βγω εκτος οριων(εκει που προσπαθει να με πάει) someone check plx
  13. good morning...
  14. don't double post find it in database(navicat) or Shift+click on it and then edit it
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182703.0;topicseen req client mod help + GR tags
  16. what hacking? a normal movie? Die Hard 4 story was based on some guys hacking up goverment
  17. ι iz seriouz
  18. my name is peter and some friends call me pedro lol
  19. aka peter?
  20. Hey,if someone deletes gost it will be active again btw,ur REAL name is pedro?
  21. at least 2600 pages make it look i was alive at some time..
  22. 11 second cooldown instead of 10 3,5 sec cd instead of 4 yeah,big nerf,GOD NERF,ULTRA nerf
  23. i said 'almost' full kk,i know,i couldn't put more words either like in dota/hon,you can make x2/x3 times bigger guide and still not be completed
  24. lol is so poor you can make an almost full guide with not many words nice keep it up ;)
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