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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. ε παραπανω απο 6 μηνες δεν ειναι;:/
  2. Ενταξει σοβαρα τωρα,γιατι απαραιτητα 6 μηνες;
  4. spamzoooooooooooooooooor yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah
  5. Sido you must be the most fail spammer evah
  6. 52,5κ adena to go ...
  7. i spik pro inglis problem?
  8. we did some,we even created a flame mother topic but it failed as well... you see when u left,grisom did put some rules(1 notice:SPam section has less)
  9. no it sucks Cause while flame is allowed,there is no fun (like on spam team section)
  10. I have lived only a bit of that,cause i joined late like all,i was only at exploits section and wasn't caring about other sections! i lost all drama,Q_Q now no gud drama,quiet days
  11. you don't know me well that's why
  12. True not exactly,just bored no
  13. Spam Topics 11227 u is a shit in front of me and i joined here at july
  14. u didn't got a shit..
  15. Epilogue L2jfree or even L2j with some fixes
  16. Ενταξει,θα ψηφισεις αν απειλουν οτι θα σε γαμησουν στο ξυλο επισης,πες μου εσυ οτι δεν πηγε και ο καθε πακιστανος να ψηφισει(ακουσα φετος ψηφιζαν και οι αλλοδαποι) για να μην φαει ξυλο
  17. Stop pretending the cool damn it i couldn't make an answer cause i made fcking 5 minutes to get what u are writing.. i hope u will understand mine
  18. yes and +1 con will save ur ass...VERY big point if like that,use the damn Dynasty...we don't care for PDEF only for con right? also i think in armors,it means CRITICAL rate(chance) Where i even said about Critical strike?but sure critical strike doesn't interfer with crit.rate Success rate of skills is made by special weapons/focus power/death/chance and the toogle skill at 78 i think STR increases also Patk in gracia ep(at least at Javas i tried-no loljava)
  19. people dumbness>all
  20. didn't say the opposite..
  21. Σκεφτομαι να κανω τον Βασιλη(anima)Nikoloudo Phoenix MD MixMasteR καθως και εμενα,καθως βριζουμε μανες(χριστου και οχι) και προσβλητικη συμπεριφορα προς ατομα με νοητικη καθυστερηση(ενταξει ειναι πολλα δεν μπορω να τα αναφερω ολα)
  23. Τωρα βγαζω Screenshot τα τοπικ του Nosfekain Ελπιζω να βαλουν τους γονεις του φυλακη,ωστε να μην εχει λεφτα και να τον κοροιδευουμε
  24. lol :D welcome
  25. To ειπε παραπανω ηδη κατηγγειλα τον DS που με κοροιδευε επειδη εκανα 11 death pantheon(αδικα φυσικα)
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