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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. I am on a facepalm streak!
  2. Furiosus... also there is a sticky AIO already
  3. This year,as a PES fan i was waiting for PES Demo was released at 15 september i played it for 2 days,and i admited that sucks,but i would play it since i hadn't tried fifa,and as i knew/played last fifa were shit at 17 september tried FIFA,and was playing like crazy DEMO until official release The only reason to download PES 2011 is just to laugh with Sotirakopoulos I am sure,the only ones that say that things haven't tried FIFA yet,or they are dumbasses and don't play,cause px the animation of Messi FACE isn't that perfect(while they prefer to play with teams,which's players squads are from july-and not september)
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184816.0;topicseen req exploit gr
  5. Reptant_


    και κατι αλλο αφου εχεις βιβλιο λυσεων τι ρωτας εμας;
  6. quality sucks
  7. You can't even understand what i mean jeez u ,go at a siege px,with a FOCUS sword,and gogo kill them all right?
  8. yeah buy a domain+ fix ur title here (l2j) what lol
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179258.0 What the fυck? preconf collection?
  10. Let's see BR balance fixes?rofl 15 customs and u call it balance? and fix website+topic title here
  11. Reptant_


    Σελιδα-Ασκηση πες μου γιατι δεν καταλαβα χριστο
  12. WoW privates suck Better play official
  13. don't forget to read the rules
  14. lol babylon there is no color legend
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184785.0;topicseen help in l2jbrazil
  16. Hey this is a client,with which u don't need to run full updater to play in game!Just download it and u are ready to play w/o update! Here u can find the latest client! http://lol-client.tk/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=70 Client update to latest patch: http://lol-client.tk/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=439 ATTENTION The archive only contain a 64bit installer.exe which you can't run with a 32bit system. Download this installer: http://wpd.dnsalias.net/lol-client/installer_x86.exe Overwrite the old installer with it. You need both parts. The links are interchangable, for example you can download part 1 from mirror 1 and part 2 from mirror 3. How-To install To ensure that all installation routines are successful you should run the installation as administrator. Steps to install 1. download the client archive (you need both parts) 2. extract the archive to a place of your choice 3. run the installer.exe of the extracted archive * run it as administrator (right click on it => run as administrator) 4. click Next 5. set the desired installation directory * it's recommended that you keep C:\Games (this ensure that you've enough permissions) 6. click Next 7. select your default server 8. click Next 9. wait for end of installation 10. click Finish
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=59465;sa=showPosts Great share,thanks
  18. Εισαι για βρισιμο πραγματικα Τι αλλο guide εχει κανει η papaditsa;
  19. Can u tell me you open a server like vendetta/mxc/survival or w/e a mix of ALL of them and u don't know,that in history of these servers,ALL of them were ddosed?the only one that wasn't managed to be ddosed was survival yeah,admins can care about updates and events...and don't care for anti-hack?
  20. Hey,u know my comment It's the same fckin shit,like all DDos ftw!
  21. outcome rocks
  22. Bad RIOT points/per EURO
  23. needs some fixes(like icons ,should be different?i like effect also,remove that shitty,can't right click
  24. Ενταξει,δεν χρειαζεται να εισαι ο Einstein για να πατησεις next,και να ξερεις οτι πρεπει να περιμενεις οταν κανει install..
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