Elite is one of the most fail servers
also,i bet even i can rape you will half items of you..lol
Donation doesn't make u good player..even good donation and not for fal things
You donate 150+ euro for +22 dagger just for color
you put Haste SA
you think crit.dmg makes difference only in normal hits(which is fail,it does only at skills)
Please go
delete C:/program files/Lineage II
you are the shame of all L2 Players in world.Even BR's know what Crit.Dmg SA is doing
And thank you for answering my question,who the hell would buy a ++ dagger from donation list
Sure.Crit dmg sakin option?roflmao...
anyway,even if like that
+0 dagger haste=equal damage with +22 dagger haste
also,2k euros for L2Elite?As i said,better give them somewhere else
It's a matter of fact,that the people who donate in L2 servers,99% of times don't know how to play
yeah sure,donate +22 haste dagger in C4 server...i don't know
(go learn some L2 kiddo before donating)
also,this char can't worth 1000 euro
with 1000 euro you buy an ultra char on Official Retail
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